A February of Spiritual Investment for Practical Momentum

A February of Spiritual Investment for Practical Momentum

February begins with a strong hit of meditative inner awareness, not least because Mercury is still in its retrograde shadow, officially ending on February 7th. This month also inherits from the potent self-reflective Aquarius New Moon, from January 21st, that colors the lunation cycle for the first three weeks of February. There is also a really interesting grand...

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A January of Hope, Reassessment, and Delayed New Beginnings

A January of Hope, Reassessment, and Delayed New Beginnings

This is an interesting month of January, and start to the new 2023 year, in part due to the ongoing retrogrades of personal planets Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Capricorn, which give a thoughtful and introspective quality to the proceedings. Mercury stations to direct motion on January 18th and then recovers its lost zodiacal ground over the following two and a...

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A December Month of Hope, Introspection, and Discernment

A December Month of Hope, Introspection, and Discernment

December dawns in the wake of an optimistic Sagittarius New Moon from the final week of the previous month that was exactly coincident with the station to direct motion of Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, in the last two degrees of Pisces. This marks the closing degrees of the entire zodiac, and the signature of this event on a collective level in is one of preparing...

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A November of Growing Tension, Choices, and Contrasts

A November of Growing Tension, Choices, and Contrasts

This month, arriving as it does in the midst of the Scorpio Season eclipse cycle, is something of a thorny one. The October 25th New Moon solar eclipse that preceded the November month featured the transformational effects of Pluto, Lord of symbolic death and rebirth, while the very magical and potent total lunar eclipse and Full Moon of early morning, November...

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An October of Slowing Down, Consolidation, and Balance

An October of Slowing Down, Consolidation, and Balance

Similar to the far broader aftermath of the Covid societal reset, this is a month of careful recognition and eventual resumption of activities in a new way, following the potent Mercury Retrograde of September, along with the Libra New Moon of September 25th that featured a Mars-Saturn trine and prominent Pluto. Mercury stations to direct motion on October 2nd,...

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