An August Month of Unexpected Enlightenment

An August Month of Unexpected Enlightenment

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The August month begins with a Full Moon in Aquarius that signals the second half of the lunation cycle that began with the Cancer New Moon from July 17, having taken place at about 25 degrees of the sign, and therefore opposite Pluto in late Capricorn and precisely square to Eris in Aries. This was a very dynamic mid-July New Moon configuration that speaks to the transformational power of this rather intense cycle, continuing into the present month of August, when Venus is also retrograde in Leo. Venus moving backward through this Fire sign conveys that there is a certain amount of introspective questioning going for a particular area of life, depending where Leo lands in your chart. Uranus is being sextiled by the Sun and Moon in this Cancer New Moon, Eris being closely squared, Neptune in trine, and Pluto opposite, so the indications are that this is an August month with surprise events that can also be enlightening, goal directed, spiritually fulfilling and transformative in their impact, helping us to grow along the path that we have somehow chosen for ourselves, from the standpoint of our higher self. In this regard it is quite interesting to note that all three of the new KBO planets beyond Pluto were highlighted in this Cancer New Moon, in square with Feminine Warrior Eris, with Haumea precisely square to Pluto, and squared as well by the Sun and Moon, and with the Cancer New Moon also in quintile with Makemake. This is quite a presence of these new planetary archetypes, especially Haumea and Eris, appearing in a grand cross with Pluto and the New Moon degree.

These new KBO planets, only discovered and named in the 21st century, go to depth within the psyche. Eris represents a Feminine Warrior in support of soul intention, while Haumea and Makemake can both be identified as Profound Connection to Nature, understood as also a deep-seated drive to embody a form of natural law, of right action, right relationship, and truth-telling, that comes almost automatically to those with strong placements. Makemake is the more activist of these two Nature planets, and can refer to either environmental activism or also the kind of societal involvement that wants to see a more fair and equitable society begin to emerge in this beleaguered 21st century and is willing to take concerted action in support of that attitude.

The August 1st Aquarius Full Moon acts as a culmination of some part of the original design that aligns with this particular lunation cycle, and with the person that we once were, as well as the person that we were all along destined to become. This Full Moon at 9 degrees of Aquarius features a T-square to expansive Jupiter, just as Mars is precisely trine Jupiter, and a Mercury-Saturn partile or same-degree opposition from 5 Virgo to 5 Pisces. This telling configuration signals that we have the chance for fortunate outcomes all right, and that as we enter the first half of August, the remaining two weeks of the July cycle, we had better have our thinking caps in place.

The other huge factor in the astrology of August, carrying over into the next month as well, is the retrograde of Mercury, the second personal planet retrograde of this wild month. Venus has been in retrograde motion since July 22nd and remains moving backward in Leo, until September 3rd. Venus will transition through this time period from the Evening Star to the Morning Star, completing its transition on August 19th with her Helical Rise as a Leo Venus for the next 584 days, ready to shine, and grow, and lead. In this she is entirely compatible with the strength of Eris, Feminine Warrior, over these lunation cycles participating in her new birth. Meanwhile, Mercury, in direct motion as the month begins, begins to slow down and to show its recalcitrant side mid-month, with the Leo New Moon, then stationing to retrograde motion on the 23rd, and taking until the end of September to fully recover. During this extended period of time there will be the usual symptoms of mechanical breakdown and missed connection, with the opportunity for introspective soul searching a we try to find our best way forward in these fraught times.

The August 16th Leo New Moon at 23 degrees of the sign closely squares Uranus in Taurus, so that many of the same transformational and enlightening features as the first half of the month still apply. Eris, Feminine Warrior for soul intention, is featured once again, with the Sun and Moon in trine to Eris at 25 Aries, and this implies an active intention to make the most of our time in this life, beginning now, and to act strictly from our deepest principles as we do so. The aspects from Sun and Moon to Neptune and to Pluto, similar to the mid-July event, also in this case form a yod to the New Moon. The 90-degree square between Pluto and Haumea that was an important component of the Cancer New Moon is still less than a degree off in this one, while Jupiter is now precisely parallel Haumea. The Sun and Moon are precisely semi-square Makemake, so that new planets beyond Pluto are also well-represented in this dramatic Leo New Moon.

And indeed it is time, or maybe past time, for everyone to start to pitch in and help to change our social setting. It might even make this an exciting and a hopeful decade instead of a despairing one. This is the only way, and it will take all of us, if we are to have even a small chance of ameliorating catastrophic climate change and redressing the modern ills of income inequality and corporate mis-prioritizing profit over quality of service. As Alfred, lord Tennyson was able to articulate nearly 200 years ago: “Come my friends, ‘tis not too late to seek a better world.”

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