A July Month of Continued Transformation and Deep Purpose

A July Month of Continued Transformation and Deep Purpose

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The continued process of profound change that is represented by this exciting July month rests on the foundation of the recent Gemini New Moon from the middle of June that featured aspects to transformational Pluto and numinous Neptune along with an interesting appearance also by the new Nature planet Haumea, currently residing in the late degrees of Libra. The thirty-day lunation cycle of this rather dramatic New Moon extends through the first half of July, so that the consequential changes indicated by these outer planet presences are still very much with us as the month begins. Additionally, the Capricorn Full Moon that represents a flowering of the original impulse of the Gemini lunation occurs at the beginning of the July month’s first full week, on Monday, July 3rd, and brings along with it a square alignment from Venus in Leo to Uranus in Taurus, signaling sudden twists and revelations in relationship and artistic endeavors for the latter half of this New Moon cycle, extending to the 17th . This is another Monday, and another New Moon; this time in Cancer. This New Moon, in turn, shows up trine Neptune and closely squaring Eris in Aries, making for an important call to action in alignment with sincere internal principles of deep soul intention.

The Capricorn Full Moon of July 3rd is significant in a number of other ways as well. By bridging the energies of two cardinal signs, Cancer and Capricorn, it brings personal and societal needs together in one lunation, and because Mercury is conjunct the Sun in this New Moon, it also represents a thoughtful time of using our mental faculties to judge where we might understate, and where exceed the mark of what we have set out for ourselves to perform. This intended focus, to be real, must include our evolutionary progress into our most authentic version of ourselves, moving forward. The presence of Haumea represents profound connection to Nature, including nature inside us, a form of natural law, of right action and right relationship. And this includes telling the truth – to ourselves and to each other. We not only have Mercury on our side in this, but also the presence of the Eris/Chiron midpoint, closely trined by Venus and semi-sextile Uranus in this Full Moon. These shamanic planets, signaling informed evolutionary change in the direction of healing and of soul-level commitment, a mere six degrees separating them, have their midpoint at 22 Aries, and Venus makes a partile trine to this position in the Full Moon.

The new planet Eris can be shown to represent a Feminine Warrior in support of soul purpose, applying of course to members of any particular sexual identity. This is a softer form of determined fighter, applying to whatever it is that you hold deep inside, and are ready to take your stand to defend. The New Moon of the 17th, at 24 Cancer, also closely aspects Eris by a square of less than a degree, thus further invoking the guiding influence of the Feminine Warrior in making our way forward into greater authenticity.

As indicated above, the new Nature planet Haumea is featured in both of the New Moon lunations that characterize this significant month of transformative action, , being trined by the Gemini New Moon and squared by this later 24 Cancer New Moon of the 17th. It is interesting to note as well that the other of these two Nature planets, Makemake, is the focal point of a yod in the latter configuration, formed by quincunx aspects from Saturn and Jupiter to its position at 7+ of Libra. That these two truth-telling planets are prominent now is quite interesting – as they have been since February in the New Moon lunations, in one way or another, and with Haumea still in close square with Pluto. We are seeing some remarkable progress in favor of veracity in view of the many court judgments that have been coming down lately on the side of truth in political advertising.

We will also want to note that after the Cancer New Moon of July 17th, on the 22nd , the Sun enters Leo, and on that same day we have the retrograde station of Venus. In her standstill, Venus closely aspects both Pluto and Haumea, the Sun making a T-square with Pluto to Haumea. This indicates that the period of the Venus retrograde over the next six weeks of this summer may well be a time of deep reflection on where we are, accompanied by further intentional transformation of our egoic patterns and of our deeper principles and values.

Well they say that when the going gets tough that is when the tough get going. We might all find reason to test this in the weeks and months ahead, during the difficult days of this dying decade that is also being reborn, as we speak, before our very eyes. That birthing process will not however come easy, and the midwife would be none other than you, yourself. That is, along with all the rest of us – souls in motion, trying and in many cases succeeding to keep faith with ourselves, and with the universe, along the way to finding our path and somehow, almost unbelievably, discovering within it how to get back home.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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