An October Month of Reaching for Balance Amidst Extremity

An October Month of Reaching for Balance Amidst Extremity

October is an interesting month, not least because it is kicked off in its second day by an impressive solar eclipse and New Moon on mid-day of October 2nd, featuring a tight conjunction between Sun, Moon, Makemake, Lilith and Mercury, all within a degree and a half, which is quite unusual. This extra-potent New Moon also features a grand trine in Water signs...

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A Full Moon of Power and Clarifying Priorities

A Full Moon of Power and Clarifying Priorities

The Full Moon in Aries on October 17th at 4:26 am PT brings a mounting sense of tension, with a configuration that invokes a potent call for major growth and each of us stepping more fully into our truth, our power, and our priorities. The Full Moon is perched at 24º 35' Aries – just minutes from a conjunction with the new KBO planet Eris. This...

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A Solar Eclipse of Connection and Communication

A Solar Eclipse of Connection and Communication

The solar eclipse New Moon in Libra, taking place on October 2nd at 11:49 AM PT, is a powerful lunation that brings along some wildly clarifying winds of change, intensified relational awareness, and thought-provoking reflection. Coming into its exact position at 10º 4’ of Libra, this is the final eclipse of 2024. The astrological signature of this...

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A Pisces Full Moon Eclipse of Idealism, Possibility, and Contraction

A Pisces Full Moon Eclipse of Idealism, Possibility, and Contraction

Tuesday’s Pisces Full Moon, which is also a partial lunar eclipse, takes place on the evening of September 17th, at 7:34 pm PT, a few hours later for the east coast and Europe; and features no fewer than three major oppositions. There is of course the Sun opposed to the Moon, exact at 25° 41’ of their respective signs of Virgo and Pisces, and as...

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A Virgo New Moon of Devotion and Clarification

A Virgo New Moon of Devotion and Clarification

The Virgo New Moon of September 2nd marks an energetic shift in this late 2024 timing, occurring at 6:56 p.m. PT and at 11º04' of the sign. This New Moon arrives on the tail of some wild astrology, as the past month brought some of the most intense and transformative transits of the year, including the hefty exact hit of Saturn square Jupiter and Mars, and a...

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