A September Month of Reflection and Revelation

A September Month of Reflection and Revelation

The month of September kicked off with the potent Virgo New Moon of late August, just a few days before the month actually began, that initiated a new thirty-day lunation cycle covering most of September. This New Moon took place at 4 degrees of the sign, with the Sun and Moon in partile or same-degree square with Mars in Gemini. With so much Mars in the picture,...

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An August Month of Surprising Revelations and Transformational Perspective

An August Month of Surprising Revelations and Transformational Perspective

This August month – in the midst of a not-so-sleepy summertime of impactful change – possesses several factors of powerful transformation that are reminiscent of the volatile 1960s. This was when the society was trending in dangerous directions, also spurring an enthusiastic counter-cultural moment, nearly sixty years ago now, that yet still resonates...

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A July Month of Going Deep and Defining Pathways Forward

A July Month of Going Deep and Defining Pathways Forward

July begins astrologically with a powerful New Moon in Cancer that poses some interesting questions, with even some answers in the offing. This New Moon, at the 7-degree mark of Cancer, is flanked by near-exact aspects, to Venus, to Jupiter, and a square to the new planet Makemake, opposite Jupiter at 6:50 Libra. This new KBO planet symbolizes taking an activist...

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A June Month of Getting Our Bearings

A June Month of Getting Our Bearings

As June begins, its nature astrologically is represented by the Gemini New Moon of May 30th that launched the thirty-day lunation cycle taking up its first 28 days. Because Mercury remains in retrograde motion as June begins, trine Pluto and square Saturn, there is an element of transformation right from the start that affects us mentally, in the way that we...

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A May Month of Multidimensional Transformation

A May Month of Multidimensional Transformation

The month of May features astrological fireworks in the form of two eclipses, a Mercury Retrograde in Mercury’s own sign of Gemini, and Jupiter changing signs, entering into Aries the same day that Mercury turns to retrograde motion, on May 10th. Eclipses arrive in batches twice a year and are high-powered lunations when the Sun and Moon come together in...

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