A July Month of Continued Transformation and Deep Purpose

A July Month of Continued Transformation and Deep Purpose

The continued process of profound change that is represented by this exciting July month rests on the foundation of the recent Gemini New Moon from the middle of June that featured aspects to transformational Pluto and numinous Neptune along with an interesting appearance also by the new Nature planet Haumea, currently residing in the late degrees of Libra. The...

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A June Month of Continued Transformation and Relationship Exploration

A June Month of Continued Transformation and Relationship Exploration

June continues many of the transformational themes that were brought in by the previous month’s strong Pluto flavor, as it stationed in the first degree of Aquarius. This is especially so for the first two and a half weeks of June, as we remain in the completion of the lunation cycle stemming from the May 19th grand cross New Moon that heavily featured Pluto....

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A May Month of Transformation, Contemplation, and Course Correction

A May Month of Transformation, Contemplation, and Course Correction

The May month opens with a bang, in the midst of the Aries-Taurus-Scorpio spring eclipses and with transformationally oriented Pluto, featured in the recent solar eclipse from April and as well in the current month’s late Taurus New Moon, active and becoming even more powerfully highlighted as he stations to retrograde motion on the morning of May 1st. This...

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An April Month of Transformation, Ethics, and Depth Exploration

An April Month of Transformation, Ethics, and Depth Exploration

The April month has a lot going on, including some entirely unique and astrologically interesting features. These include the recent entry of Pluto into Aquarius in the timing of the previous month’s Equinox New Moon, still affecting the current month, an unusual second Aries New Moon on the 19th of this month that is also a Solar Eclipse, as well as the...

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A March Month of Exciting Change and Connection to Source

A March Month of Exciting Change and Connection to Source

The March month is an exciting one with a potent – although short-lived – Venus-Jupiter-Chiron triple conjunction in Aries, profound aspects to new planets beyond Pluto, and, later in the month, both Saturn and Pluto changing signs. The month begins in the wake of the dynamic New Moon from the last ten days of February that aspected Uranus and Pluto....

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