An April Month of Transformation, Ethics, and Depth Exploration

An April Month of Transformation, Ethics, and Depth Exploration

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The April month has a lot going on, including some entirely unique and astrologically interesting features. These include the recent entry of Pluto into Aquarius in the timing of the previous month’s Equinox New Moon, still affecting the current month, an unusual second Aries New Moon on the 19th of this month that is also a Solar Eclipse, as well as the eclipse taking place in the last ten minutes of a degree of Aries and the fact that this mid-April event lies in close square to Pluto. Add to the above the general tenor of an entirely transformative presence of Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius in aspect to the recent New Moon, to Saturn at that aspect’s midpoint, and to potentially angry Mars in the final degrees of Gemini. These are some confrontational times and some uncharted territory that we are entering upon in April and in the spring and summer to follow.

It is extremely interesting to note as well that the mid-month New Moon and Solar Eclipse at 29:50 Aries, in the last 10 minutes of the sign as mentioned above, is also in close opposition to Haumea at 0 Scorpio. Haumea is the new planet beyond Pluto only recently discovered and named, signifying profound connection to Nature and to concepts of moral compass, of right action and right relationship. This ½ degree out-of-sign opposition makes therefore a close T-square to Pluto, from Sun, Moon, and Haumea. This presages that the transformation that we are all caught up in, and the spiritual evolution that we seek, will be dependent to some extent upon finding our own deep center as far as speaking truth rather than lies, and exercising discernment as to our own behavior while attempting as much as possible to avoid judgment of others that we are engaged with.

The April 3rd ingress of Mercury into Taurus, and the ingress on the 10th of Venus into Gemini as well, are quite interesting because, in addition to occupying a new sign, these personal planets are also simultaneously in close aspect to Pluto, bringing more of his transformational energy into the picture.

The Libra Full Moon of April 5th additionally features both Uranus and Chiron. The Sun and Moon are in close aspect the Trickster archetype of astrological Uranus, while the Sun in this significant lunation is closely conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer, which implies that internal wounding, the likely residue of undigested childhood trauma, might come up at this time, perhaps in an interpersonal context. If this were to become noticeable, although potentially painful, this also offers an opportunity for greater internal awareness to enable you begin to do the ongoing task of working with these psychological complexes to your ultimate benefit. This potent lunation event also features a grand trine in Water between Saturn in Pisces, Haumea in Scorpio, and Mars in Cancer, so that a focalized action orientation is generated regarding an inner moral compass that could be emerging into greater awareness through the adventures and the misadventures of April.

The Aries Solar Eclipse that takes place at 29 degrees and 50 minutes of the sign, its tail end, on the late evening of April 19th, PT, early morning the next day for the east coast and Europe, is a very intense configuration that should have noticeable effects both personal and collective levels. As mentioned earlier, the T-square between the Sun and Moon in opposition to Haumea has its powerful focus – once again – on Pluto.

The Mercury Retrograde period fully begins two days after the eclipse, on the 21st, although the period of its early shadow began some two weeks prior, and Mercury will be recovering, also referred to as the post-shadow period, for two weeks past Mercury’s station to direct motion on May 14th. This implies that almost all of the following month, to the 30th, we will be under the spell of the retrograde timing, to do with what we choose. This period of time is terrific for review and revision of all that you are currently up to, and for research into viable alternatives, but not so great for making decisions that launch you prematurely into new pathways.

Through it all, in this complex and transformationally intense monthly cycle, we are coming closer to the truth of our situation. This is especially so if we can tune in with ourselves to that still small voice of our unconscious process, as heralded by these new Nature planets beyond Pluto, strongly featured in the lunations of these past two months, and in this current one. These carry their message to us from the cosmos to take heart and to look inside for answers.

This applies to our personal and to our collective situation; and we could even say to our increasingly dicey collective situation, with climate, with political posturing, with speaking out against the madness, if we dare, all included. It does take courage to live this life, and to respond positively to what we have, and even to where we need to boldly address what we have not, in terms of the possibility of the advent of a culture of kindness that we can yet aspire to.

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