Taurus Horoscope for January 2013

Taurus Horoscope for January 2013

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are in a place of profound change over the course of this monthly period, Taurus, as you enter into a brave New Year. Change is nothing new to you by now, but the pace is accelerating. Your worldview is radically transforming, and since the way that you see the world around you counts for nearly everything, so is your access to opportunities for growth. Good fortune follows your steps, allowing you to go for your best chance, which is that you get in closer touch with your inner world and with a sense of Spirit working itself out through you. The chance is there for you to take; and you must leave something behind in the process. Partners are your mentors, and support you in the innate determination that you have for being on your own and diving down.

As the month begins, you are exploring your possibilities. You have a fresh start to a new calendar year, and the determination that you can make a difference for yourself during this newly wide-open time period. You also perhaps recognize that you cannot do what you need to do, and accomplish what you need to accomplish, without the help of active partners in your life, who serve as mentors and guardians of the path. You are also looking, in ways that are perhaps not entirely conscious, for assistance from the surrounding cosmos to see you through.

You are coming into new ways of seeing the world around you, but slowly, as befits the novel and little understood task that lies before you. Your conception of the world is changing, and perhaps your beliefs along with it. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto continue to represent powerful factors in this early year time period, affecting you in particular ways.

Saturn in your relationship sector has its hardships, but as well its benefits. You could be feeling a sense of isolation now. Rather than counting on anything from anyone else, you are being thrown back upon yourself. The up side is that there are lessons in self-reliance that come to you in this way. Significant partners are also in the picture now. Those connections that you are currently developing with someone who counts are likely to last far beyond the present moment; in other words, this aspect also indicates better and lasting bonds being formed and an opening for long term relationship.

Pluto in your sector of higher mind is a difficult factor, and yet also one that can ultimately work out to your advantage. In the short term, you might encounter obstacles to higher mind activities such as scholarship, teaching or travel. There are undoubtedly factors that have been coming to your attention, and that will continue to come until such time as you decide to take advantage of the opportunity for deep changes in this area of your life that you are beginning to embrace and to take more seriously.

With Jupiter in your second sector of values and financial and other resources, you are in an excellent position to take advantage of opportunities that will present themselves to you in this new year, both spiritually and materially.

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With the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, January 4th, you are reevaluating everything that has gone before this point in the prior three weeks of the lunar cycle as you strive for a better understanding of your situation. You are turning on the flashlight beam of consciousness and passing it in wonder over what was a previously dark room. Flashes of intimations from deep inside may suddenly become more visible.

The New Moon of Friday, January 11th, brings fresh energy to your journey into greater awareness, and brings to the fore as well internal issues that have been brewing for some time, that could involve old and no longer useful patterns of behavior, stemming from early childhood wounds. Investigating these without judgment may present you with further insights. You have a great determination to get at this information from inner realms that can ultimately make a huge difference for you in the way that you see things.

The First Quarter Moon of Friday, January 18th, brings more awareness to the issues at hand, perhaps by providing obstacles to understanding that must be resolved in order for you to gain real and lasting progress.

With the Full Moon of Saturday, January 26th, you come to a plateau of understanding and a balance point for the contrast between inner work and partnership commitment. You are continuing to explore old wounds but you might actually be further along toward acceptance and healing of the issues that they represent. This is a powerful time for you and you might feel as though you have really come through something important – for the present moment of your life and for the sake of a more vibrant future as well.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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