Taurus Horoscope for December 2012

Taurus Horoscope for December 2012

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a powerful month for you, Taurus, and one in which the tug of war between self and other continues. You will encounter further lessons in intimacy as the month unfolds, and perhaps also find that your most significant intimate partner is actually yourself. As you allow yourself to move forward into a more idealized future, unencumbered by any dissenting opinions other than your own, you are fighting an important battle for freedom from doubt and for enjoying the benefits of connection without the drawbacks. Rather than externals, this has far more to do with internal matters; that is where the action is. As you strive for renewed understanding of your true situation you will also perhaps discover a door to further progress that you didn't even know existed, until now.

As the month begins, you are feeling an enormous shift in your energy, almost like a weight coming off. You have been wrestling with some important issues lately and these perhaps have come to a head with the recent Full Moon eclipse from the last week of the previous month, when Uranus and Pluto were emphasized. The collision of these power-house planet energies has to do with discarding old ways of being, that have perhaps been long overdue, of conceiving of and being in the world. The adjustment can be a strain until new approaches can be discovered and accepted, and that encapsulates the process that you find yourself in the midst of right now.

Your arc of development could be described as one of taking strong spiritual stand that you feel yourself uniquely equipped for, a way of partnering up with the universe, leading to more directly compassionate and committed partnership with others around you. In some ways this is but a small step, a gesture, but it is a vital realignment, and potentially one that you need to make at this particular time of the year and in this particular stage of your spiritual development.

Your relationship dynamic has been the subject of your thoughts lately, since Mercury has been hitting that sector of your solar chart several times over the last few weeks. As your meditations on this important area of your life continue, you are finding support, and perhaps a form of spiritual mentorship, in adding the perspectives of others to your own.

All through this powerful end-of-year time, you are exploring your possibilities in a new way and finding in your depths the necessary ingredients for you to begin to tackle your next phase with a relative degree of equanimity. Along the way you will greatly gain in confidence and in a more optimistic assessment of your situation as you face your issues squarely and, as gracefully as you can muster, align yourself with the world around you.

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With the Last Quarter Moon of Thursday, December 6th, you find yourself in the midst of reassessing that which that has gone before it within this lunar cycle. This is doubly true since Mercury is still making up its lost zodiacal ground. You are taking another look at the relationships in your life and how you can best assist your own spiritual unfolding both with and in the absence of help from other important persons in your life. New perspectives make a difference.

The New Moon a week later, taking place on Thursday, December 13th, brings energy to your purpose and lends determination for your efforts to dig down into your fertile depths. Like a diver with weights on, you are seeking treasure, in your case in the form of self-knowledge. You are also simultaneously reaching out to significant others in your life for greater intimacy in your connection; and the two activities are not dissimilar, the one feeding off the other. As you know yourself better so also are you enabled to know others at deeper levels of their being, as well as of yours.

With the First Quarter Moon of Wednesday, December 19th, you are finding the difficulties that might get in the way of completing the arc of development that you have started. The real world situation is always a bit different than the conception, and so you have the necessity of adjustments to your approach. It could be that in the course of your adventures in this latter half of the month you will run into some painful places within you, but if that is the case it is helpful to recognize the therapeutic opportunities that these discoveries additionally bring to you. In order to heal you must first become aware of where you are wounded.

The Full Moon of Friday, December 28th, presents you simultaneously with a fulfillment of some aspect of the issues that are currently confronting you and also a new set of realizations, assessments and further ridges to climb over. You are also being given a boost for changes that have long been underway and that affect your worldview. You are forging new links between the spiritual and the realistic, just two sides of the very same coin, and different reflections of the same story of creation and unfolding that is your pathway forward.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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