Taurus Horoscope for November 2012

Taurus Horoscope for November 2012

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Excitement is in the air for you, Taurus, and it feels electric. You have been energized by the recent Full Moon in your sign and now you are ready to play with tigers. The beasts that dwell inside you will do for a start, although it might be difficult to discern who is taming who. You are magnificently confronting old wounds that you can finally see represent not only the guardians of the gate to your spiritual evolution and of the pathway to your future but the actual doorway itself. Partners are also an important component of your journey, and help you to stay in touch with the wondrous world that you are still only just beginning to discover within the vast and yeasty confines of your very own mind and heart.

As the month begins, you are rocking in the wake of the recent Full Moon in your sign from the end of October. This was powerful for you, highlighting the important influence of significant others in your life, and also the way that this interaction contributes to and yet does not supplant your own arc of development. Both Saturn in your partnership sector and Uranus in your sector of inner dreamscapes are powerful energies for you now. The perspectives of others, while not to be entirely disregarded, must be modulated by your own sense of inner direction, a factor which is making itself more generally known to your conscious understanding as hidden places within your personality come further into the light.

With Chiron, the Wounded Healer, also powerfully configured in your solar chart all throughout this month, it is possible too that deep inner trauma will come to light; likely the residue of events from perhaps as long ago as early childhood. This is a month when you will reap the karmic benefits of your past associations with this dark unknown portion of your psyche that underlies and motivates, in perhaps unacknowledged ways, your outer world presence. If you have been doing your homework in this area you will have an easier time than if you have been skating on these issues; and if not then no time like the present to dig into them.

This inner priority also corresponds to the prominence of mystical Neptune in your sector of group affiliation, societal connection and future goals. Things might be confusing for a time. This symbolism has the effect of getting you thinking, with a major portion of your awareness, about an unusual and ethereal sphere of activity; one that is essentially orthogonal to real-world practical concerns which you so well know how to handle. All through this monthly period, you might well be taking a closer look at the influence of these vast portions of your psyche that lie below the level of conscious awareness, and that take you in the direction of another realm altogether, better represented by myth and fairy tale.

As you work within the dark unknown reaches of the space within you, partners are essential, and could take on a role of mentorship, or perhaps of criticism which you might have to struggle to see as constructive. If you are forced to take a strong stand for yourself, this too builds character. No matter how pleasantly you come to regard it when you look back on this period with the perspective of time, the rewards are there in the long run for your deeper purpose of soul evolution

Detailed Monthly Forecast

With the Last Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 6th, a period of reflection is reached regarding what has come before this point in the lunar cycle. The contemplative nature of this particular phase is greatly amplified by the retrograde of Mercury on the same day, in square to Chiron. Your thoughts might take a rather somber cast of mind as you attempt to discern the true motivations behind recent activity, both yours and those of your partners. If any demons of your own arise, that you might run up against in this thoughtful mood, you benefit by facing them squarely and with acceptance. You win by owning up to your essentially wounded nature and by acknowledging its power to derail your waking life; the message will repeat until and unless these hidden parts of yourself can be acknowledged and integrated into your more conscious understanding.

The Solar Eclipse and New Moon of Tuesday, November 13th, represents a powerful juncture, and one in which the mystical factors in your life become even more greatly emphasized. These have an often unacknowledged potency to affect you from below, and must be dealt with in order that you come into greater psychological wholeness. You are strong on service to the surrounding collective at this time, and for taking your deeper purpose forward into this ideal. Partnership is powerful for you now also. You might be encountering a form of mentorship with significant others in your life who could become important catalysts, leading you to a better understanding of what lies within you.

With the First Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 20th, you come to a moment of increased tension in your process. This week represents another intense juncture for you within an intense month, and a time when significant others in your life come even more completely into the picture. There are adjustments and course corrections that must be made, corresponding to a greater sense of the reality of what you are engaged in; or perhaps new perceptions regarding that reality could arise.

The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of Wednesday, November 28th, brings to a climax the issues that you have been dealing all through this monthly cycle, especially those involving partnership with others. There can be an intensity of exploration that involves intimacy at the level of interpersonal connection and as well within yourself, perhaps with the walled-off portions of your own psyche. If you feel that you are being put through the wringer, it might help to remember that it is for a reason. The universe, like a stern but loving parent, always has your ultimate best interest in mind.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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