Taurus Horoscope for October 2012

Taurus Horoscope for October 2012

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Your world is turning, Taurus. A true feeling of spiritual connection is suddenly possible for you, while still not taking anything away from the achievement-orientation that puts you squarely within the mainstream of duty and financial reward. Only a gesture is needed, a figure-and-ground reversal of sensibility that while forcing nothing in any obvious way, changes everything. There is a unique destiny all your own that you currently participate in. You could encounter tremors within your psyche corresponding to ancient trauma coming to light, but these difficulties can be faced down with courage and with the application of effort. Partners in your life are helpful in their own way. While firmly standing their ground they are actually helping you to define what it is that you are truly after.

As the month begins, you are feeling the pressure for personal change – and for changes to your worldview – that seem to come upon you from the inside; and this happens in a way that can at times feel overwhelming. Your societal connection has been shifting as well lately, as you continue taking on a very idealistic stance, and this trend magnifies over the current month as Saturn slips into your relationship sector. Through relationship challenges you are managing to forge stronger connections with your dreams, and with partners also, for a better future for yourself and your world.

Uranus and Pluto in square formation have been very active in your chart lately, encouraging a massive and thorough-going transformation that is subtle but that also runs extremely deep, this month providing yet one more chapter in your ongoing personal evolution. With Saturn in your relationship sector, you have a new assignment and it involves partnership with others in order to facilitate your own growth. Difficulties push you further toward important realizations, in the context of your own journey forward while forging a greater sense of meaning in your life, that might involve a mentoring role for important others that have the power to affect you strongly in one way or another. These important persons might even appear like a magic genie for you just when the time is right.

Your sense of idealism about your possibilities is acutely affected by new experiences coming your way this month. There is the potential for greater clarity and more concrete application of your intention and yet also there could be an inner tug of war regarding what is real and what is not as you find your way forward.

There is epiphany in the air for you these days, much of it stemming from the profound inner influence of your guidance and of Spirit itself whispering in your ear. While it is extremely difficult to attend to these voices or even to fully recognize their presence, it is well worth the effort because the rewards are guaranteed as long as you can keep yourself open to all your possibilities.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

With the Last Quarter Moon of Monday, October 8th, you are finding a new way to conceptualize your past achievements and downturns. Even your failures can be successes in another sense if you can take lessons from them. The purity of your impulse to move forward meaningfully with your life path is not in question, only the means that are most appropriate to this journey of self-discovery, and the true meaning of the sign-posts that you have encountered along the way.

With the New Moon of Monday, October 15th, you have an excellent chance of making further inroads. You are conceptually brilliant now with partners aiding you by means of mental inspiration and general mentoring. They take you to important places inside yourself where you might encounter dragons; the remnants of early trauma that still remain caverned within you waiting to trip you up when you least expect it. Your worldview is expanding and might be growing large enough to accept these denizens of the deep unknown reaches within you and welcome them back into your heart.

The First Quarter Moon of Sunday evening, October 21st, and the day following, shows up some difficulties or even intense drawbacks to the dreams and schemes of this cycle. These may come as limitations that you must navigate in order to bring the treasure that you are counting on up into the daylight of your conscious awareness. As you reach out to others around you for helpful assistance, everything, even setbacks, can serve to further your core endeavor, as long as your mission is aligned with soul-purpose.

The Full Moon of Monday, October 29th, is a powerful one, and signals an even greater reliance on helpful partners to be your allies in getting to the finish line. Your plans for the future, while idealistic and perhaps even dreamy, are very much worth pursuing right now, especially after necessary course adjustments. You have perhaps been deciding to make these after having become more familiar with your inner world over these past two weeks. You are on an excellent journey with the goal of discovering, or perhaps rediscovering, your essential wholeness.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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