Taurus Horoscope for September 2012

Taurus Horoscope for September 2012

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Your world is changing, Taurus, or is it just your perception of it? You are in the midst of a major shift, and, rather than strictly outward, this is one that takes you farther toward the inside. Good fortune is your teammate this month, when a pathway that has been stuck for a time might suddenly open, perhaps involving partnership with others as an adjunct to your own process of growth and change; a stimulus not a take-over. You are thirsting for a form of communication that is uniquely yours, and for self-expression that is vibrant and in touch with the deep mystery of life. You have your own path to follow and yet you still might find that certain others can be extremely helpful as you traverse it.

As the month begins, you have been discovering that the series of deeply transformative experiences echoing through the surface calm of the summer is still very much underway in your life. For you, there has been a procedure of gradual acknowledgment of the power of your inner world and its accompanying sense of deep intuition. There have been many epiphanies coming down all year and perhaps even more of late, and your worldview is shifting in response. Uranus in square to Pluto is a potent factor for everyone in this transition period toward the fall, when further challenges and changes are likely, as symbolized by this potent combination.

Your inner oracle does not provide all the answers for you by any means, but rather further questions, leaving hugely important components of your path to your own self-discovery through a process of trial and error. However, these intimations and nudges at the very edge of consciousness have been providing strong clues. They could help by informing you at the very least of what doesn't work for you any longer. You are half in and half out of a world of dream imagination that can assist in guiding you through an important time period. You are attempting to decide what you must do in order to feel fully satisfied from the standpoint of internal goals as well as outer progress.

As the season begins to shift with the Labor Day weekend, transitions beyond the superficial are manifesting all around and through you. You are getting entirely serious regarding a path of service to the community that surrounds you, and can almost palpably feel your creative self-expression snapping into place to rise to the occasion. You are all about making a response that is as deep as your current social concern would warrant. Both starry-eyed idealism and also a grim sense of practicality inform your vision for the future right now and you will need a sense of both extremes to get to where your heart tells you that you need to go.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

With the Last Quarter Moon of the following weekend, taking place on Saturday, September 8th, you are entering still another new phase. This is a fortunate time for you in many ways, including financially, and you have an urge to seize the rising tide and use it to your internal as well as external advantage. You are both engaged in mulling over recent events in a fresh attempt at understanding them, and also looking ahead to the future and to the potential for compassionate vision to stage a breakthrough. Over the next few days these feelings magnify and might even be a little crazy-making, considering the magnitude of the task that you have more or less unconsciously set for yourself.

The New Moon of Saturday, September 15th, is an important time of fresh energy for your process which is an internal one, largely unseen in the eyes of the world. There are home and family concerns that might begin to find resolution now, perhaps through a different configuration of circumstances, or just in terms of your response to existing ones. Partners are important now as well, and provide a sharper edge that might help to sort out the various possibilities.

In the days leading up to the following weekend of the Fall Equinox and also the First Quarter lunar phase, taking place on the 22nd, there are likely to be increasing tensions in your private life, possibly involving issues partnership versus your domestic scene. You and your mandate for powerful personal transformation are being tested. It is helpful to remember to trust in your intuition and your deep unconscious process which although difficult to define is still amazingly strong within you.

The last weekend of the month coincides with another potent Full Moon, taking place on Saturday evening September 29th. This is a time that brings surprises and further intimations of a deeper order of things than can be concretely seen and touched. This powerful month is but a prelude to a dynamic fall, when the very direction that you life course is taking could be irretrievably altered. It is difficult to keep up with what life has in store for you. It might be helpful to remember that the universe has you best interest in mind, always; it is only in the working out of the details that trouble arises, and even then, only when you try to hold on too long to what no longer satisfies or serves you.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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