Taurus Horoscope for August 2012

Taurus Horoscope for August 2012

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are continuing your metamorphosis, Taurus, and expanding it into new areas. Novel perspectives are coming rapid-fire, and while your tendency is to duck and cover you will eventually have to meet these challenging shifts in perception and belief head-on. Your inner world is very present to you now and speaks volumes relating to further change peeping over the horizon, while your sense is still growing of who you are becoming, and to what end. Communication helps, perhaps even more than you might acknowledge, and takes you out on a useful limb that might not at times be entirely comfortable. It helps to remember that if it breaks you can always fall forward. The universe is there for you, if not exactly as safety net at least as revitalizing trampoline.

As the month begins, you are meditating on your internal need for security and on career aims and a general sense of life purpose. Your concept there is altering for you in the light of recent revelations, even though these new ideas about your future, which are at the same time spiritually-based, are more than a bit confusing and unclear. You therefore find yourself at an intense crossroads. You are simultaneously dealing with some potentially quite painful places within yourself, perhaps related to the twin conundrums of life direction and spiritual purpose.

With Mercury currently retrograding through your sector of home and family, you are also in the process of reconceptualizing how you work within yourself, and with others, in these important areas. It could also be that you are contemplating remodeling or rearranging your physical home base in some way. The threads of family connectivity are both a support and a potential complexity that impinges on basic security needs and that could be holding you back from finding your own way to go. All these issues are the subject of your meditations now, and of your deep intuitional process which it pays you to heed.

There is also activity in your sector of health and of day-to-day activities, or perhaps at your accustomed work place. A potential contention has been brewing, and you could also find that you have a greater degree of commitment there, and for creating concretely practical solutions in this area. This tendency toward limitation in this area has its downside, but there are lessons that can serve you well as the month unfolds.

Communication also becomes increasingly important to you as both an unconscious focus and as a significant path toward resolution of some of these striking issues that are only now percolating through you.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

The Full Moon of the evening of Wednesday, August 1st, brings many of these themes to the fore. You are reconciling issues of public and private as you work within a fundamental sense of optimism regarding outcomes. Your work in the world is one major focus of this time period but the real news is how much this is affected by everything else that you are going through right now. You are in the process of realizing that there is in fact no real separation between inner and outer. You are taking far-out notions and intuitional hints from deep inside and integrating this information with real-world concerns and limitations that you currently encounter, thus bringing it all into a practical framework for concretely moving forward.

With the Last Quarter Moon of Thursday, August 9th, you enter a phase of questioning and reassessment of what has gone before during the prior three weeks of the lunation cycle. Mercury is now direct but still moving slowly, and is powerfully aligned with numinous Neptune, so that things could seem fuzzy and unreal, or perhaps idealized. Communication with your peers is important to you now, and also reflects a strong spiritual sensitivity so that you could have trouble in negotiating the physical rather than an ideal world of your empowered imagination.

The late Leo New Moon of Friday, August 17th, is a important juncture, when you are attempting to reconcile deep inner concerns with being out there in the real world, and with your beliefs in general. It is possible that wounded places within you might be triggered now as well, and therefore arise into consciousness as another focus for your attention. You gain by paying close attention to everything that happens to you in this regard, and by accepting yourself in these deep and hidden parts of yourself.

With the First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 24th, a time is reached of tension in your process and you could also be dealing with over-idealization of your possibilities, perhaps bordering on self-deception. The up side lies in recognizing how your dreams, even if somewhat flawed in the execution, are legitimate expressions of your deepest desires and are to be treated with respect, a by-product of truly respecting yourself.

This is a powerful monthly cycle and one that brings up many issues for you to examine. When you sincerely step down to and then enter into your inner world, you gain important perspective that leads to healing. Your process continues to amaze as you learn more and more about your own depths, and discover intimations of where this climactic year and decade are taking you.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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