Taurus Horoscope for February 2013

Taurus Horoscope for February 2013

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Your cosmos continues to surprise and confound you, Taurus. Even as you revel in outer world pursuits, it is essentially a mystical space in time that you are entering over the course of this monthly cycle. You are also likely to encounter potentially painful issues with group dynamics, rumbles of interpersonal dysfunction that come back to haunt you. These may in fact stem from old patterns that you are more than ready to outgrow and only need one more push of conscious recognition to do so. Acceptance and honoring these dark places is one vital key to moving beyond them so that they are no longer so major. You have a wellspring of intuitional information. New perspectives are flooding in, as well, and you benefit by taking better advantage of these as you grow in awareness.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave of the powerful Full Moon from the last weekend in January. Although you are currently firmly dedicated to outer results and to public over private display, this climactic weekend, with the Moon in your home and family sector, sent you into another gear altogether. This was also a time when the limitations inherent in your situation overcame at least momentarily the optimism that you have been lately been feeling, and when partners, while they provided you with perhaps unhelpful contrast, also appeared to you as mentors.

Now, in February, you are connecting with a sense of a very different future that is awaiting your commitment to it. Since numinous Neptune is powerfully configured in your sector of group affiliation and plans for the future, you are feeling that the path with heart is the only one that can truly open before you now. There is also a sense of depth exploration that comes from the joint emphasis on Jupiter and Neptune as a collision of planetary energies masses in this same sector, while Uranus in your sector of dream imagination continues to nudge you toward deep intuitional solutions that allows both inner and outer their due.

Your ruler, Venus, has just entered your solar sector of career and professional life, and you are even more firmly dedicated to outer world pursuits. Only, there is still the call of your inner world. You are going through an ongoing metamorphosis in the way that you see the world around you, and that affects everything that you do. As practical as you often are, and this is supported by a highlighted angular Saturn, this mode of starry-eyed idealism is equally strong within you now.

This month is also a time when you might find yourself confronted by relationship lessons, as you attempt to see more clearly your own path ahead of you. Like minerals bouncing around the rock polisher, you are being slowly smoothed and all your rough edges melted away. Your relationship with important partners in your life is also supported by your own inner depth explorations, which benefit both your sense of yourself and intimacy considerations with significant others in your life as well. Mercury Retrogrades toward the end of the month, on the 23rd, and as it does you may well find that your gaze turns inward to mull over the intensity of these cosmic energies that are cooking you, and perfecting you, as you make your way forward.

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With the Last Quarter Moon of Sunday, February 3rd, you enter a lunar phase of reassessment of everything that has come before this point of time in the lunar cycle, and you might find yourself even more committed to inner exploration as one answer to the dilemma of dealing with partnership considerations and of finding your appropriate path. Everything seems both urgent and laid back, because with these planetary energies symbolically so strongly active within your auric field, you are operating in a kind of a fog. You can work your way through, although not by ordinary mentality, but by means of the fuzzy logic of the soul.

The New Moon that comes along late on Saturday, February 9th, is a strong one, and connects you to both your sense of public responsibility and also to the transformational demands that the cosmos has been making upon you, to the extent that you are ready, to renew your perspective. There are old patterns that might now be coming up for you in such a way that you can actually see them and know them for what they are, the emanations of your own inner dysfunction rather than anything outside yourself. It is an important period of grace and possibility for you now, when you are empowered to "take back the projection" of your own shadow, and this moment can free you in a major way. When you recognize where you have been wounded in the past and where you therefore have the capability of wounding others by your behavior in return, you win through. The key lies in finding out that you can accept yourself in this way, in all your humanity as it continues to unfold.

The First Quarter Moon taking place a week later, on Sunday, February 17th, takes you to still another stage of your journey. This is a time when tensions could arise and when you are even more committed to making a stand for yourself, perhaps in compensation, within your inner world.

The Full Moon of Monday, February 25th, again represents a powerful juncture, when you are filled with the optimistic determination to forge ahead in spite of everything. Mercury is now retrograde, and conjuncting the ruler of your relationship sector, so that you are rethinking both what partnership interaction holds for you and future life direction. Over the next few weeks, Mercury reminds you to remain dedicated to internal exploration, even past its station in mid-March. This is a climactic moment in the midst of a transformational period, when more seems to be happening on the inside than in terms of outer achievement; it is good to acknowledge this and to continue to have faith in your process, wherever it might take you.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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