Sagittarius Horoscope for October 2022

Sagittarius Horoscope for October 2022

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another quite interesting month for you, Sagittarius, when you are thinking about your future. The Libra New Moon from late last month took place in your sector of societal involvement and prospective plans, so that ever since the final week of September your focus has been on these interrelated areas. With Mercury simultaneously retrograding through your career sector, your actual work in the world has also been subject to review and reconsideration. An important timing in this regard is the First Quarter Moon of October 2nd, when Mercury stations direct and opposite Neptune in your home and family sector. This is a somewhat confusing time, when you may be furiously mulling over your possibilities in the light of a renewed conception of your most basic principles. Things begin to straighten out in this regard after mid-October. The Aries Full Moon of the 9th represents a time of burgeoning understanding of your creative process and its results in terms of what the society around you needs to hear from you. You are coming closer and closer to integrating all that you are up to, inside and out, for an ascendency in late November.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of October begins in the wake of the Libra New Moon of September 25th, defining a new cycle for you in the sector of your chart corresponding to your friendships, societal connections, and prospective plans. Your creative self-expression is also stimulated. This thirty-day Libra cycle covers what unfolds during the first three weeks of October, and brings momentum for things related to your aspirations, your collective values and your social life. You may be inspired during this time period to align more authentically with your passions and connect with other like-minded individuals who inspire you. Collaborations could therefore be part of the equation for you this month. With Mercury in this picture, you could actually be more picky about who you associate with, preferring people who can match your own aesthetics and taste. October also continues to bring the need to find better equilibrium between work and rest; otherwise you may lack energy to meet all of your many obligations. The first three weeks of the month could bring much needed perspective on what you need to be happy at this time and it could even have to do with less work and more play.

The later part of October brings however a more introspective influence that permeates the end of the month which can require you to slow down.

Mercury turns direct in Virgo on the 2nd which is good news for things that were progressing slowly in September as you may eventually be able to deal with projects or responsibilities more efficiently. Mercury does take two weeks to escape its retrograde shadow period, so that things will begin to normalize over the coming days.

The Full Moon in Aries on October 9th illuminates the sector of your chart that relates to your self-expression and what brings you joy. You could be able to reconcile a part of you that has a tendency to separate itself from others while also looking for recognition. You might be more aware of your desire for connection and social participation, while also needing enough space to be an individual. The two weeks following the Full Moon could offer some integration, especially if you are willing to consciously explore your own vulnerabilities around these topics. There can be more social ease than is usually available at and it may feel simpler to connect with others. This is especially so once Mercury enters Libra on the 10th. You can expect a lot more conversations or negotiations to take place with others during the second week of October. This could be a busier time when both social and career engagements take up a lot of your energy. People could be turning to you for advice and your social interaction could gravitate around what you know and what you can do for others. It may also be a good time to focus on your goals so in order to not end up overwhelmed by the demands being made on you, best to make sure you leave enough space for your own personal projects.

The Sun and Venus meet in Libra on the 22nd and ingress together into the sign of Scorpio on the 23rd which is an important transition for you during this month. Themes surrounding relationships, pleasure, and values are undergoing a significant reset as Venus meets the solar rays of the Sun at this time and becomes purified.

A partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon occurs a few days later on the 25th in the sign of Scorpio. This corresponds to the part of your chart that relates to your unconscious and your inner realities. Topics of self-worth, insecurities, fears or low vitality might prompt you to take stock of how you feel and perhaps address lingering issues that you have been trying to ignore.

Mars in Gemini rules over this partial Solar Eclipse and is stationing retrograde at this time which speak of a longer revision process that may be in the works over the coming months. This revision may be prompted by someone else in your life, by the demands of a particular partnership or simply by your desire to feel more grounded. Jupiter re-entering Pisces at the end of October represents an invitation to return to your deepest longings, or your inner fantasies, and retrieve the part of yourself that got lost at sea while looking for a dream.

Solar Return Report

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