Posted on October 31, 2022 in Sagittarius
By Henry Seltzer and Elodie St-Onge Aubut for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is another amazing month for you, Sagittarius, featuring your unconscious process, together with your creative output and its societal impact, and the links between all three. What is highlighted is your sector of dream imagination and inner work. Your nighttime dreams will serve as important messengers to you now, and you do well to keep a journal by your bed to write them down. Strange information from deep inside is revealing. You could also be forging new territory as far as what you are up to in your creative life. The November 8th lunar eclipse Full Moon will be climactic in regard to this interesting amalgam of inner and outer concerns. You may find at this time, and for the remainder of the year, that your health regimens, and your day-to-day routine in general, become imbued with a marvelous magical feeling of innovative possibility, while the call of your interior world blossoms also, with implications for partnerships and career. The final lunation of the month is a mid-week New Moon, on the 23rd, right at the very beginning of your sign. This month portends huge learning; in the midst of changes, steadiness counts.
The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology
The recent solar eclipse in Scorpio that took place on October 25th set the stage for what unfolds in the first three weeks of November, and beyond ! This makes for a fresh start in the ways you connect with your unconscious. Recent events in your life could have brought up a need to acknowledge your frustrations more openly and you also could be struggling to be more open about the ways you truly feel. The powerful eclipse influx of Scorpio energy this November may prompt you to take a deeper look at what you would rather ignore and this can feel uncomfortable at times. You may surprise yourself when you do take the time to face things and realize that they don’t have as much power over you as you think. Dealing with what you have been trying to suppress should help you release the tension you didn’t even know you had and help you to take better care of yourself. This might relate to desires, fears, or stress you would rather not have to deal with but once acknowledged, you may realize it was weighing on you more heavily than you thought. Mars in Gemini, stationing retrograde in the timing of the October eclipse, is another important planetary factor, taking place in your opposite sign, bringing an introspective attitude and perhaps re-assessments of how you handle your relationships and your business connections, as well as potential conflicts with others, in the coming months.
From the 10th through the 11th, Mercury and the Sun square Saturn which can bring further focus to internal matters as you continue to explore your hidden psyche and engage in inner work. Then from the 12th to the 14th, Mercury, Venus, and the Sun form supportive aspects with both Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces, highlighting transformational factors as well as the dream imagination perhaps needed to transcend them. This could be an excellent time for journal entries recording your nighttime dreams, as direct transmissions from your unconscious mind.
The Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus taking place on November 8th in the health and routine sector of your chart. This is an extremely powerful juncture, perhaps illuminating your workload or highlighting an overly-burdened schedule. You like to be busy and you are good at doing many things at once. There might be an issue with having so skills and projects on your plate that you have to deal with people constantly leaning on you for support, which could leave you without much time for yourself. The lunar eclipse is conjoined to Uranus in Taurus and square Saturn in Aquarius, which could reflect an ongoing tension related to time management and responsibilities. If so, one way to respond could be to take it easy on yourself, slow down, and let go of the need to do it all. You will want to note also the possibility of sudden breakthrough now in how you see things in relation to your true sense of mission and in regard to meeting responsibilities in your own way, so that a change of attitude can also bring resolution to seemingly impossible situations.
You may feel more introspective than usual in the days following the lunar eclipse, and if you have the privilege to schedule some time off during the second week of November, you might find that spending time at home or with your family is exactly what you need. Give yourself permission to unplug from the grind if that is available to you so that you can regroup.
Mercury and Venus enter your sign during the third week of the month and form a conjunction there from the 17th through the 25th. It may get easier to get in touch with the adjustments that are needed for you to find greater contentment in your life, the result of your introspective focus during the month’s first half. The Sun enters your sign on the 22nd.
The Sagittarius New Moon arrives a day later on the 23rd, signaling the beginning of a fresh cycle for all things related to your sign, including your sense of identity. Jupiter, your ruler, stations direct in Pisces in the timing of the New Moon giving you fresh energy and perspectives regarding your home or your domestic situation. What you want out of life is perhaps more directly related to where you want to be living. This New Moon is an excellent time to plant seeds for things you would like to see grow in the weeks ahead. You should start to feel a renewed sense of energy and direction as the Sun transits in your sign in the coming weeks.
From the 28th to the 29th, Mars in its retrograde lies in opposition with Mercury in your sign in Gemini while forming a supportive aspect to Saturn in Aquarius. Your tendency to be more direct at times might get you into hot waters, now. You can count on closer connection of one kind or another with close collaborators. It may also be harder than usual to hide your impatience if things are not moving fast enough or it could be that you have to deal with someone in your life showing up as more forward than usual. Whatever does transpire, communication might have to be handled with care at this end of November so you might want to keep that in mind when dealing with others.
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