Virgo in Astrology

Virgo Period: August 23 - September 22
Virgo Mode: Mutable
Virgo Element: Earth
Ruling Planet of Virgo: Mercury
House Ruled by Virgo: Sixth
Virgo Polarity: Negative

Most Compatible Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio
Least Compatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries
Opposite Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Virgo people tend to be very conscious of details. They may appear nervous or obsess over health issues. They are likely to be neat and orderly, at least in some area of their life, although they may exhibit the opposite tendency in cases where they have not yet found their guiding principle of organization.

Virgos love work, service to others and the gathering of the fruits of the material world, as symbolized by the harvest. They are also likely to be a good conversationalist, with wide-ranging knowledge and interesting ideas. They can be analytical and perhaps overly fond of detail, with perfectionist tendencies, and they may miss out on the big picture by concentrating on the micro. It also benefits them to learn the fine line between discrimination and criticism.

Virgos' mission in life is the purification of their activity in pursuit of their goals, manifesting their inherent love of excellence in all strivings.

Virgo Horoscope for March 2025

This is another interesting month for you, Virgo, and one in which you might wind up questioning in its second half various factors of identity, after your ruler Mercury retrogrades in your sector of intimacy and personal transformation. The Pisces New Moon just before March began kicked off a lunation cycle lasting for almost all of March in your partnership...

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Virgo by Element and Mode

The element related to Virgo is Earth.

The Earth element is feminine or yin, in-taking and receptive. It corresponds to the Jungian typology of Sensation. The Earth energy is grounded and heavy, responding to the gravity of physical circumstances and limitations. Earth people are in touch with their bodies and the pleasures of the physical world around them. They are givers of form and structure. They endure. They are self-sufficient in a way that the lighter Fire and Air elements are not.

The mode of Virgo is Mutable.

Mutable signs as the name implies are multivalent and flexible in their approach. These people are easy going, allowing, and accepting of others around them.

Ruling Planet of Virgo

The ruling planet of Virgo is Mercury.

Mercury represents the mind and intellect, and rules Gemini, sign of duality also Virgo, and has its exaltation in Aquarius. Mercury is an airy planet, associated with all forms of communication and the in-flow and out-flow of intelligence. Its position indicates how your mental function will be expressed, and where techniques and skills are available to you.

Learn more about the other astrological signs of the zodiac...

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