Posted on September 1, 2012 in Sagittarius
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This month is shaping up nicely for you, Sagittarius, if deep transformation is truly what you are after. There have been many wafflings and reimaginings of your situation since the year began, leading alternately to enthusiasm and confusion regarding what you are up to. Now, finally, you are beginning to get it that this mission you are on to reinvent yourself, while reflecting a spirit of fun, is also deadly serious. This journey makes full use of shining self-expression that is uniquely your own. Partnering with others around you has also assumed a huge piece of the action, and can be seen as both catalyst and aid to your own arc of development that is still far from complete, and that leads you onward toward the late fall, and further breakthrough.
As the month begins, you are feeling your way toward transformation by a process of increasingly profound awareness that wells up from deep inside yourself and radiates outward. It is your world view and subsequent actions out in the world that are currently most affected by your continuing realizations, some of them painful, many of them less so, that continue to pour forth from a beneficent cosmos.
This process is part of a thorough-going transformation of values and beliefs that seem to spring entirely formed out of your inner workings, or what might be also termed Goddess, angel guidance or Higher Self. They have been arrived at rather slowly, over all the days of your natural life, and the time is now ripe for recognition and thoughtful action. One way that these ideas show up in your life, as your intuition takes hold, is in the realm of your creative self-expression, brilliant in fits and starts.
These insights might also take on the guise of feedback from friend and partner, or might seem to come to you as a kind of waking dream. These thought feelings can only be glimpsed out of the corner of your mental eye, or when you — as Grateful Dead lyricist Robert Hunter once put it — "close your eyes to see." The ultimate beauty of what you are experiencing lies in the amalgam of these intimations of a further reality with what you can think about in a more conscious way. It is almost impossible to characterize the emotions and the thoughts produced in this manner but you will know them when you feel them.
There is a tendency, on the part of you and everyone else going through modern life, to ascribe everything to what you can consciously bring to mind, a mental game that turns deadly serious when you fail to discern the extra meaning and implications for decision making that your deep unconscious process brings. Although this process is difficult to get any kind of grasp on, that is the opportunity that is enhanced for you in these powerful days of important change.
Detailed Monthly Forecast
With the Last Quarter Moon of Saturday, September 8th, your progress takes on an even more thoughtful turn, as you check up on where your ongoing process of growing awareness and right action works well for you in context and where it simply does not. You are somewhat caught in the disparity between partnership accords and making your own way forward in the world of business and sense. What you seek is the opportunity to do this in your own unique way, and if that is not gracefully forthcoming you are beginning to sense that you must seize it anyway.
The New Moon a week later, taking place on Saturday, September 15th, gives you plenty of juice for your journey forward into wholeness in the midst of what is essentially a difficult time of adjustment. Your values and resources are stretched almost to the breaking point as simultaneously the unending flow of new ideas continue to besiege you regarding another way to visualize progress. You are enjoined to start taking your inner world perhaps more seriously than you do your outer. This is a tall task, and not one that is sanctioned by the society at large, but this freak factor makes the idea more exciting for an iconoclast such as yourself. When cultural idols are all telling you the wrong story it might be time to break them.
The First Quarter Moon of Saturday, September 22nd, brings some tension and some greater degree of difficulty into the mix of energies that whirl about you now in this tumultuous month. This configuration is coincident with the Fall Equinox, symbolizing the downturn of energy away from the outer orientation of the summer months, just as the universe turns up the heat on personal transformation. You might see the road ahead a lot more clearly at this juncture, even though you can also see the minefields that overlay it. Courage is needed to continue but not the blind recklessness of ignorance of consequences but an informed stance made more poignant by the recognition that there is no where to go, really, but forward and up.
With the Full Moon that comes along on the very last weekend of the month, taking place on Saturday, September 29th, your sense of the trials and tribulations of your current path is intensified; there could well be additional surprises. Inner and outer are again highlighted as contrasting pathways leading you into an exciting and variable future. You win when you choose to no longer neglect either one.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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