Sagittarius Horoscope for August 2012

Sagittarius Horoscope for August 2012

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

It's all a bit up in the air for you now, Sagittarius. Your mental storage locker is undergoing renovations, and you might even suspect that some of what you have been looking for in there might be in a different space altogether. Your conceptions are evolving for a vastly different future but how and where to? You want to be able to see around the next bend, and yet your path is shrouded in mystery. In what constitutes an unusual departure from your normal activities, you are living for others in your life perhaps even more than for yourself. This is a paradoxical and a confusing time all right, but with a little creativity you are able to win out by just relaxing and going with the flow.

As the month begins, you find yourself in the midst of radical change, although you might not be completely aware of the profundity of your ongoing transformation, with much of it operating at the deeper levels of your psyche, beyond and below the reach of your conscious mind. Your mental process, symbolized by Mercury, is moving in reverse fashion now, with Mercury Retrograde, and is thus affecting your thought process in this largely unconscious fashion. This transit is taking place in your sector of higher mind and basic belief systems and in aspect to Neptune, the astrological archetype that symbolizes not only the literal ocean, but also the oceanic reaches of what C.G. Jung termed "the personal unconscious."

This is also why the Mercury Retrograde period is considered to be ideal for meditation and for avoiding taking any logical steps with your decision process, a recommendation that holds true for you also, for the remainder of the Mercury Retrograde period that lasts through the first three weeks of this current month. Not only Neptune, but also Uranus and Pluto are powerfully configured right now. Your creativity is sizzling and your values morphing in unexpected ways.

Neptune, located in your sector of home and family, is a bit crazy-making there; the more so the harder you try for logical solutions in what is fundamentally an emotional area of your chart. Your emotional security is very much at sea right now, so that wherever you try to set yourself down you find murky uncharted depths without the support that you are looking for. You can get by at this time by a kind of trust fall with unreasoning faith in the cosmos to hold you up no matter what. This is a mystical and magical time for you, and you benefit from recognizing this. You win when, rather than trying to fight them, you therefore work in alignment with the cosmic forces gently influencing you.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

The Full Moon taking place on the evening of Wednesday, August 1st, represents a powerful time of integration, when inner and outer, self and other, are brought together in a graceful attempt at a balanced whole. One pole of this compromise rests in your understanding of what the universe has in store for you and what your part you might have to play in this unfolding mystery, versus what others around you might be able to contribute in terms of information and by providing the environment for the seed to fall. Another lies in the concept of partnership, which is very alive and active for you now, and enhances rather than restricts your life energy and the flow toward individual expression that is your fiery hallmark.

With the First Quarter Moon of Thursday, August 9th, there are strong moments of reassessment, especially since Mercury, ruler of your partnership sector, has just changed direction. Mercury is still moving slowly, and therefore more powerfully, as it intersects with your basic beliefs and with numinous Neptune in your sector of psychological security as well as home family and tribe. There could therefore be illusions to contend with or perhaps to pierce, as you go about reconsidering and mulling over the events of the past few weeks.

With the New Moon of Friday, August 17th, you have a better handle on where your deepest perceptions are truly taking you, as you figuratively steer your course toward a distant horizon. You are excited to be casting off for a direction that seems to promise real-world commitment in greater alignment with spiritual aims, at least in part, although practical considerations and restrictions are also weighing you down and seemingly intend to keep you firmly tied to the reality side of the slated voyage. Still it is fun to dream. Your creativity continues to be inspired and to partake of changing values and of the resources needed to actualize them.

The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 24th, when the Moon is in your sign, brings conflict and a degree of tension once more into the picture. You are again dealing with issues of public versus private concerns, or perhaps of individual needs versus those of career or family. Mercury has escaped its retrograde shadow, and so all your systems are go. With that energy shift might come another, by means of which your ideas also change in the light of recent information and of your changing perceptions. This has been a powerful month, and September looks to be yet another, as your identity continues to transform with the changing times.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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