Sagittarius Horoscope for October 2012

Sagittarius Horoscope for October 2012

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The world beckons to you softly, Sagittarius. You are full of verve and vitality, but there has to be a strong mystical component to all that you say and do in order for you to feel truly satisfied. This is so because you are intent on inner rather than outer priorities. Finances remain a pivot point, especially when their fluctuations can come to be seen as symbolic rather than literal, as just an especially poignant part of the dream that you and everyone else around you inhabits. You could be actively energized in relationship right now, but even this area reflects back to your own ideal of spiritual transformation. What you are primarily concerned with now is the transmutation of your values and of your sense of psychological security. Everything else has to take second place.

As the month begins, you are finding inspiration in the thought of future endeavors that would more fully tap your creative potential, which is scintillating right now. Then, too, with Pluto highlighted in your resources sector, you may find that you must leave some part of your past irrevocably behind in pursuit of what can only be regarded as an uncertain future. There could also be doubts and hesitations to work through as you head into the fall season and your next phase.

Saturn is entering into your sector of dream imagination and inner work, indicating that while there are major tasks at hand that will realign you to new vision, you have the grounding necessary to complete these undertakings. Having the cosmic taskmaster strongly placed in this insubstantial area of your solar chart is paradoxical and perhaps difficult to comprehend but it also has its advantages.

Things will go better when, allowing your intuition to guide you, you sense the subtle pull of the tide that the universe is offering you at this time, and choose to accept it as inevitable, even though you might have to let go of logical determinants in order that you do so. With Saturn in your sector of dreams and with Neptune equally strongly aspected in your fourth sector of home and family, there is a spiritual necessity imposing itself upon you through the medium of your home environment. This takes precedence over everything, including surface considerations and ego needs, but it can be confusing to the little mind, that slim window of consciousness that ignores the largest part of yourself that has its life below the surface of your everyday awareness.

If in the midst of confusion you can find acceptance, and in the midst of contradictory evidence, embrace paradox, you will be further along your way as chosen by your guidance as represented by your Higher Self. You are in a powerful time right now of coming through trials to reach for another plateau of meaning for your life that is beyond anything that you might have thus far imagined for yourself, and it only takes a small dose of faith to keep it going. Partners are helpful at this time in presenting you with a beneficial point of view granting you a place of leverage for moving your conception still further.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

At the time of the Last Quarter Moon of Monday, October 8th, you have an extra burst of energy form the recent entrance of vital Mars into your sign. You are also intent on getting at your true feelings of where it is that you want to be actually heading at this time now, in your life. There is the possibility that as you engage in this voyage of discovery, old trauma will arise to haunt you, in the form of your inner wounds ascending to the surface layers of your personality. If this comes in the form of reactivity it is useful to remember that you are never angry, or even sad, for the reason that you think that you are.

The New Moon comes along a week later, on Monday, October 15th, and gives you loads of energy for all these different pursuits. Most importantly you have a real chance now to understand the early wounding that you experienced in coming up, and the reminders of those events that still remain lodged in your unconscious in the form of walled-off complexes that hardly ever see the light of day. The more that you can get in touch with these places within you, and accept them as parts of yourself, the better off you will be heading into your next stage. Over the next few weeks you truly have the power to remake your world, not by merely wishing it so, but by taking sober and serious action to address inner priorities.

The Last Quarter Moon of Sunday evening, October 21st, and the day following, brings you to a minor crisis in what you are attempting over the course of this lunar cycle. You have signed up to do the heavy lifting on the inside, and now you must do it. Partners are extremely helpful now, as an adjunct to your own process of increasing awareness.

With the Full Moon of Monday, October 29th, you come full circle to from where you began this month's journey. You are quite energized, both with inner and with outer goals. This is a time once again of transformation, and of determination to get it right, this time around. Partners continue to be crucial in getting to where you want to go, no matter what. You are at the crossroads over the next few weeks and months. You have the stamina now – and the inspiration – to make a difference within yourself and radiating back outward to the surrounding society as well.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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