Cancer Horoscope for November 2012

Cancer Horoscope for November 2012

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You have been overtaken by your own evolution, Cancer, and can only sit back and enjoy the ride. Brilliant future-oriented ideas are only one product of this deeply meditative time, as you open to intuitional truths that might elude a more logical mental grasp. The path before you evolves slowly in the midst of Mercury Retrograde and with Saturn holding back the flow in your sector of creative self-expression. It feels a lot like stop and go, but it is really all part of your forward motion. Your relationship dynamic continues to transform apace, with a strong spiritual component as an important part of the mix. These and other poignant matters are the subject of your intense reflection as you take in the lessons of Saturn and Mercury.

As the month begins, you are reeling from the Full Moon energy of the end of October that landed strongly in the networking sector of your solar chart. You are intending at soul-level to become everything that you can become, and by that movement to both join with and to inspire others that have a like-minded attitude to your own. This month is a very powerful one for you and in part consists of finding out who you really are and applying that knowledge more directly than ever before to your work in the world, and to the projects that you choose to endorse with your actions.

The prominence of Neptune in your sector of higher mind is an indication of inner awareness and focus, and brings along with its numinous energy a taste of that insubstantial inner realm that is almost wholly unavailable to your conscious thought process but yet underlies everything that you say and do. These are magical times indeed and redolent of finding a vertical integration between the various layers that represent your truest self.

There are surprises in the woodwork that when they come out will have almost the effect of travel – in the sense that you get to explore more thoroughly a point of view that is foreign to your own. You have always the choice to reject this new material as not altogether trustworthy and reliable, just as the corpuscles of your blood in natural instinct react by attempting to drive out the invader, but there is also some part of the novel information that will stick, and this forms an amalgam with what you have already on the inside. A different instinctual process might then obtain whereby you will take the stranger in and profit by your resultant expanded worldview.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

The period of days leading up to the First Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 6th, represents an occasion for joy and yet also constitutes an important part of your inward turning. You are mulling over the events that have brought you to this point in your life, and what might be the deeper meaning. With the retrograde of Mercury, coincident with the quarter moon, you are gently inclined toward a more contemplative stance, one that involves an extended meditation on soul purpose in this lifetime, and what it is that you might truly hope to achieve, perhaps something that extends beyond your private needs or even your physical life altogether.

The Solar Eclipse and New Moon of a week later, taking place on Tuesday, November 13th, brings to the fore a powerful spirit in you, fostering a creativity and a self-expression that is more fully attuned to the hidden places within. Eclipses are inherently potent and this one speaks of a sense of self-worth that is based on notions of home and family that are close to your heart and yet at time difficult to integrate with the values enshrined by the roaring bonfire sensibilities of the world around you. A new sense of enlightenment, coming over you from the inside out, in bursts of sudden magic, is slowly transforming your world as seen from the novel vantage points thereby engendered. Your sense of self and of all your relationships is newly illuminated.

With the First Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 20th, you might come to a different sort of juncture, a somewhat more greatly pronounced clash between ideal and real so that a trial of relative tension could ensue. You are still in an incredibly creative space, and still involved, only working out a few of the wrinkles before being able to complete what you have started. Since Mercury remains in retrograde, the time is not right for really being able to seal the deal and move forward confidently with new initiatives.

The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of Wednesday, November 28th, brings you full circle back to where you began the month, but older and wiser for the illuminations of the journey in between. Your inner vibration is profound, and your outer-achievement orientation must play second fiddle to what you hold deep inside. You find that things go better when you simply accept it that your dreams are the most real and solid part of you, outlasting the accolades of commerce and all the approbation corresponding to the common ways of the world.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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