Cancer Horoscope for October 2024

Cancer Horoscope for October 2024

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a paradoxical month for you of many flavors and intentions, Cancer. The recent Full Moon in Pisces has initiated a thoughtful set of priorities, when you are committed to somewhat solve the logic of your current life goals, while exploring with curiosity its multiple facets. The dramatic New Moon and solar eclipse of October 2nd sets the stage for a renewed focus on domestic concerns. All this month, you will likely have home and family on your mind, potentially to include your family of origin and questions concerning the continuing influence of early childhood experiences on your more mature life situation as you currently experience it. This month is therefore a thoughtful and also an extremely active time for you. With the subsequent Full Moon of the 17th, which takes place in your career sector, you are more fully committed than ever to making your work in the world match up to what you have going on the inside as you continue along the changeable days of this intensely transformational period of time. You are on a mission of reaching for your deep soul intention, and it must come from the integration of public and private, inner concerns and outer goals.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

You are coming at the October month from a place of curiosity and intellectual stimulation, following the recent Full Moon in your sector of higher mind. Additionally, Mars transiting in your sign since the first week of September has been giving an edge to your thought process that could be beneficial in the long run. However, the red planet moving through Cancer this month also means your patience could be waning for things that stand in your way or for scenarios that are evolving too slowly.

On October 2nd, the solar eclipse and New Moon in Libra takes place therefore in your domestic sector – which creates a powerful focus for this month on home environment, family situations, and your root psychology. New developments in these areas are possible over the coming weeks and the situation could be challenging or in a state of flux, especially if also involving other close relationships in your life. Mars in your sign is favorably impacted by both Venus in Scorpio and also Saturn, in Pisces, which indicates difficulties that can be worked through. This is as well a very thoughtful and mentally active time for you when your emotional intelligence is running high. Things could shift more favorably still by October 8th when the Venus-Mars trine perfects.

Mars will enter Leo in November, and then it will retrograde at 6° Leo on December 6th, moving back into Cancer for the first week of January. At that time, Mars will get increasingly more visible and luminous in the night sky. During the first week of October, Mars in your sign enters what is known as its pre-retrograde ‘’shadow’’ which is the zodiacal degree at which it will eventually turn direct in late February. Whatever transpires in October may provide a hint of some of the things to come that will require a more deliberate or strategic approach. For the next 6 months you could think of yourself as an undercover agent working on a long-term mission and the subject is yourself. You benefit by keeping your goals in mind but not expecting quick results and try to be patient. Mars coming into its unusual retrograde is like a tool or a weapon that must be handled carefully, and not impulsively, for it to be effective in the long run – and you are now entering the training round.

Jupiter in Gemini stations to retrograde motion on the 9th, in aspect to both Chiron in Aries and Mercury opposed, in Libra, bringing your thoughts very distinctly to inner wounding or other residue of early childhood mishaps that might still be alive in your unconscious psyche, and that might be interfering with the fullest expression of your most authentic self, out in the world. You win at this timing if you can trust your instincts and accept without reservation whatever comes up as being in your best interest and providing opportunities for growth.

This is all leading to the Full Moon in Aries which takes place in your vocational sector on the 17th and is hence for you a very powerful lunation. This Full Moon conjuncts Eris in Aries and may bring a greater commitment on your part to your deepest intention for yourself in the context of your work in the public sphere. You are perhaps seeking better alignment between interior goals and the way that you conduct yourself in terms of career and profession, or the actual intention behind what you are producing out in the world. Getting a clearer picture of what you are about and aligning with your values could also involve a crossroad of sorts and taking a good hard look at decisions as to where to go next.

The Sun’s entry into Scorpio on the 22nd could make focusing on what you love much more fluid in the weeks ahead and although the work is never done, the end of October should feel relatively productive so you might want to take advantage of this period to recharge and to focus on creating more space for what it is that you truly want.

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