Cancer Horoscope for December 2012

Cancer Horoscope for December 2012

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are reinventing yourself right now, Cancer, finding your niche. A recent sense of responsibility regarding your creative output has given you the push you needed to come back to basics regarding who you really are. There have been mystical inputs as well; intimations from the cosmos that everything on the surface layers of your life constitutes a mere reflection of a deeper underlying reality. Your work in the world also provides surprising intuitional insights that incline you toward new directions quite suddenly at times. You are this month making a strong stand for yourself as to how to fit the key of your personal contribution into the lock of the culture's stuck places. This idea of benefiting the surrounding society as you walk your talk in the end benefits you as well.

As the month begins, you are riding out the wave of the very intense lunar eclipse from the last week of November. This took place in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, You have become more aware lately of the profound interior spaces within you that make up your unconscious process, and could also be experiencing more vivid dreams lately which is another way of saying the same thing. Paradoxically you are simultaneously drawn to the here and now, the surface responsibilities of the world of deeds and accomplishment, even though these two realms are essentially antithetical to one another.

As you re-create yourself in all areas of your life, it seems that with respect to your business practices and career choices, partners come into the picture there in a new way. Mars is the ruler of your career sector and is prominent now in your relationship sector also. It might be that you did not formerly realize how profound could be the effect of teaming up with other points of view. It might also be that your recent and current professional moves have a ripple effect into the area of partner relationships of all kinds. You are continuing to transform your approach in this area, perhaps in relation to stepping out for yourself in a new way as you perform on the public stage of outer accomplishment.

Your creativity is coming on strong, and you are sure to attract new people into your life and also charm existing connections. It must be noted, though, that while professional factors are moving quickly for you right now, romance and even your creative activities are slowed down. It is a case of slow and steady, with application of effort and concentration producing a more long-term result.

You are essentially tending your own garden these days, including your on-going investigation of what you ultimately want to see your life purpose manifesting; you will eventually see the fruits of that effort expand into other areas.

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With the Last Quarter Moon of Thursday, December 6th, you are feeling a slight degree of tension in your process as you review everything that has happened up to this point in time within the current lunar cycle. Mercury is no longer retrograde but still wobbly, and making its way through your identity sector, increasing your tendency to remain in a reflective mode. You are to some extent reinventing yourself, and your creative output, over this crucial monthly period.

The New Moon a week later, taking place on Thursday, December 13th, supplies you with fresh energy for your deepest intention, which is to sail beyond existing horizons with your full-on soul purpose agenda, accepting the variability of outer world pursuits in favor of inner priorities. When you have accepted that you have an important inner mandate that you can count as your most important goal, while you continue to be engaged in business as usual, but with a huge difference; you know why you are putting up with certain things in order to gain the ground that you must cross over in order that you achieve your ends.

The First Quarter Moon of Wednesday, December 19th, brings up some potential flaws in the perfect scheme that you envisioned a week earlier with the New Moon energy. The ideal must come down to the real, as happens in many ways and in many contexts. In this one, it is important to recognize that this testing period is a necessary part of proving out your concept in practical terms. With the advent of the powerful Winter Solstice two days later, on the 21st, you have a new area coming into play, namely that of relationship with significant others in your life. Partners come to you now as a force to be reckoned with, and contrasts with what you might also recognize as your own inner guidance, but together these two factors form a union, like an alloy of steel, that is the stronger for the extra metal.

With the Full Moon of Friday, December 28th, the last weekend of the old year, you come to what in one way is the end of the road of your recent development, and yet in another is only the beginning. You have been opening the inner doors that have needed to be opened, and now your have the triumphant and yet also the daunting task of actually walking through them.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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