Cancer Horoscope for October 2012

Cancer Horoscope for October 2012

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is simultaneously a dreamy and an active time, Cancer. Your career and private life are concurrently set in motion, as startling insights and unexpected revelations continue to pour out of an expanding cosmos to your inner eye. The effect of relationship awareness looms as a powerful and transformative influence. It is not so much the actions of others but rather your own in response that helps you gain from the experience of being with them. Your recognition of differing points of view – and even of the painful realizations that could also arise – allows you to tap into deeper layers of your core being. Play is serious and work is play for cosmic stakes. All your ups and downs are incredibly fruitful in opening you up to the perspective of your inner world.

As the month begins, you are still reeling from the effects of the potent Full Moon of the final weekend of the previous month that lit up your career sector and highlighted Uranus there at the very top of your solar chart. Pluto in your relationship sector was triggered as well, so that you have had a push toward transformation regarding partnership interaction that you have been secretly seeking. You are also feeling your way forward with issues of partnership connection and with agendas of career and professional life, something of a moving target for you lately. A sense of inspiration and vision alternates with sudden changes and even reversals that put you in a different mood altogether.

You are seeking inspiration from the intuitional presence of your inner world and your angel guidance, which is very present for you now. There is a grounding influence as well, thankfully, as represented by Saturn on the edge of crossing into your sector of creativity and self-expression. Saturn enters this sector of your solar chart on October 5th. This can lead toward a sense of isolation, but can also be extremely beneficial in terms of encouraging you to apply a dose of caution as you make your way forward. Partners can be helpful at this time in supporting you in manifesting everything that you are capable of.

As you navigate your way toward a future that is more fully in line with your emerging understanding of yourself at deep levels and of the universe that surrounds you, and as you connect yourself up more completely with your own inner world, you are bound to encounter a few wrong turns or even disasters along the way, for what you are attempting is not easy. There is the distinct possibility of illusion in big-picture terms, perhaps even bordering on self-deception. You might be tempted to carry your optimism forward just one too many notches.

It might help to recognize that the bumps in the road to your inward success are as important a part of the process as your triumphs are.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

The Last Quarter Moon of Monday, October 8th, is a time of reassessment. With Saturn so strongly configured, you will likely run up against limitations, but instead of viewing them as mere obstacles, they can be seen as helping to ground your best intentions into reality and to serve as stimulus for further growth,. This is for you a very idealistic time period, and it pays to exercise discernment as an adjunct to your intense optimism. You find yourself delving deep into your inner world; this is entirely appropriate right now, in this meditative portion of the lunar cycle.

With the New Moon a week later, taking place on Monday, October 15th, you are energized, and your sense of purpose is renewed. This is especially true to the extent that you can trust yourself to feel your way forward, relying on your intuition for establishing your truest priorities. You have tons of energy for outer world pursuits but it is the inner that supports the outer. In spite of the lure of business achievement, your focus remains on home and family. Idealism continues to be tempered with a dose of cynical realism; good thing in proportion.

The First Quarter Moon of Sunday evening, October 21st, and the following day, represents a testing period of trials and of tension, when things do not go the way that you would like them to go. Although you might hit a few bumps in your road, you can make it though by the application of effort. Diligence wins the day.

The Full Moon of the final days of the month, taking place on Monday, October 29th, is a powerful one, which once again triggers Uranus, Pluto and Chiron. You are looking toward the future at this time, while basing your assessment of where you must continue to extend your efforts on a sense of past accomplishments in the area of personal security and family valuation. There is an understanding that you now have that, however far you might get out on a limb, which is exciting, in order to be truly satisfied, you must keep the home fires burning in your heart. Chiron residing in your sector of Higher Mind is also a factor now, as at the very beginning of the month, closing a circuit of hidden knowledge. This time around, you have a better handle on your own inner wounding and a better sense of acceptance of yourself deep down. This shamanic power could serve you well, as you head into the remainder of the fall and the upcoming holiday season.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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