Cancer Horoscope for May 2012

Cancer Horoscope for May 2012

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are softer than usual this month, Cancer, but hard enough to change your life as you reflect upon it. The energy of Mars is with you in your communication sector, as tempered by the otherworldly energy of Neptune, so that there could be a subtle sarcastic edge to your commentary now, or at least an impatience with incomplete solutions. You are very expansive and going all the way for the big picture, and you must recognize your power to make a difference for your own future and maybe even for the planet as a whole. Whatever you dream this first half-month will be eventually actualized. Don?t be distracted by details or by the confusion that you and everyone else might feel these days about getting there.

As the month begins, you are feeling the surge of societal and personal changes as symbolized by the presence of the recent Taurus New Moon in your sector of group action and future plans. The world is in flux and more than most you are attuned to its tipping points and to its cosmically-motivated mandate for change. This leads to chaos in the short-term but a little chaos may at times be necessary if things are to really transform. This month is a great time for visualizing exactly what you would like to see emerge, and to sense the spiritual implications for your own way forward. Your communication and your creativity are in high gear at the moment and vitally linked to a subtle and numinous approach that is not at all at home in the so-called reality world of consensus thinking, but that really begins to shine with the luminosity of a frankly otherworldly point of view. Your capacity to see into your own long-term development is greatly enhanced during this crucial period leading up to the Solar Eclipse in Gemini later on in the month, and you benefit by journaling or telling others in your circle your wildest and sweetest future vision for yourself and for the society that surrounds you. Whatever you sincerely opt for in the deep inner reaches of your mind and heart will likely come to pass, so dream wisely. The Full Moon that comes along on Saturday, May 5th, helps to reinforce some of these ideas, and gives you a strong impulse for exteriorizing them in a creative and even forceful way. You are filled to the metaphorical bursting point with the light of new understanding, and rightfully celebrating the resulting overflow into impassioned speech and action. It is particularly revolutionary that while doing so you are taking the spiritual and inner side of yourself as firmly into account as the more surface elements. With the Last Quarter Moon a week later, taking place on Saturday, May 12th, a meditative and a testing time arrives that will question the validity of what you are currently offering to the world around you. The more mundane side of your personality might feel like this is all too much too soon, and needs to be acknowledged for its contribution of caution, even as you negotiate within yourself for greater scope. There is never a time when it is right to throw all caution to the winds, and you must honor both these parts of yourself as you move forward. This is such a time of paradox. It is equally true that you are charging ahead with hardly a concern for holding back, and that you simultaneously have one foot firmly on the brakes so as not to upset the apple cart by driving it too fast around a corner. If you can embrace the paradox you will benefit from the advantages of these two approaches and succeed in staying relatively sane throughout your process. Venus retrogrades on May 15th in your twelfth sector of internal vision, so that you might perceive a subtle shift in the energy. This mid-month period thus that finds you even more fully inhabiting dream worlds of your own devising. With the extremely potent Solar Eclipse and New Moon of Sunday, May 20th, you are coming into yet another important station of your journey toward wholeness, one that is fully informed by all the stages of your recent transformation and using these as a new jumping off point.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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