Cancer Horoscope for April 2012

Cancer Horoscope for April 2012

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Changing conditions evoke changing responses and an entirely new form of independence, Cancer. You are absorbing a different type of knowledge that comes to you only when you have the courage to close your eyes in order to truly see it, and utilizing the information gained in this way to enable you to enter into an alternative universe of understanding. Everything stays the same but yet is powerfully transformed, including your relationships. The love you now have to offer is of a magical kind that blesses you in the giving; the more you give away the more remains. You are coming into yourself in such a way that even your past is reborn along with your future.

As the month begins, you are very much involved with the affairs of the world, going all out for certain aspects of career and professional standing, even as you continue to operate from a visionary and perhaps even a dreamy perspective. There are changes in the air for you these days regarding how you see your work in the world and its ultimate influence. Events may conspire to bring new awareness to what you are actually up to by presenting you with unexpected curve balls that force radical adjustments for your point of view. You will continue to encounter surprises there as you navigate these increasingly complex waters that have many streams of influence converging upon them, including a large dose of pure idealism, in line with the recent New Moon from the last ten days of March. Then, too, Mercury remains retrograde in your sector of beliefs and higher mind, later re-entering your career sector, guaranteeing that further adjustments are in store. Mercury changes to direct motion on the 4th but your affairs are still subject to rethinking and revisioning through to the Taurus New Moon of April 21st. The way that you see the universe around you provides the foundation for your worldly activities, and both these areas of your life are subject to review and revision throughout this April timeframe. With the advent of the Full Moon of Friday, April 6th, taking place in your sector of home, family and tribe, you might come to a better understanding of your entire situation, and one that takes the numinous unseen world more directly into account. You are reaching now for balance between public and private, and for the way that you conceive the world as stemming from your own internal viewpoint versus taking in the thought patterns of the world at large. You have been mulling over your philosophy of life lately, that set of basic beliefs enabling you to make sense of the world around you. While you are feeling-oriented by the nature of your Sun , your sense of logic is also an important component of how you see the world around you, and that part is struggling to integrate an archetype of mystical information that goes beyond logic and perhaps even beyond the paradigm of cause-and-effect that traditional notions of science depend on. All this is aided by the shift in energy that you feel from the station direct of Mercury a few days earlier. Over the week that follows, and especially at the time of the Last Quarter Moon of Friday, April 13th, you are primed for further investigation. At this time of reevaluation you are faced with attempting to justify your departure from pure logic and from consensus thinking in general, as you sort out your true priorities. It helps to be able to accept two contradictory points of view at once, as the soul does, and to which the Neptunian archetype refers. This under-acknowledged aspect of the world around you is one that feeds on other-dimensional realities, coming from a deeper place inside you than the purely mental, and that admits of paradox rather than of black and white answers to the question. With the advent of the Taurus New Moon a week further on, taking place on Saturday, April 21st, you are suddenly ready to take a crucial step forward into a vision of the future that has been building within you and that might have felt daunting. This is another intense New Moon, and it sums up many of the themes that you have been exploring and allows you to look at everything in a new way. Your vision for the future is powerful now, and what you visualize for yourself might very well come true, so wish carefully, and don?t let incipient panic dissuade you. The best way to decide whether it is prudence or fear that is stopping you is to simply ask yourself; your intuition knows the answer. And if it is fear alone that is holding you back, let go of your reluctance. Or as the old-time TV version of Davy Crockett would put it, ?Be sure you?re right, then go ahead.?

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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