Cancer Horoscope for June 2012

Cancer Horoscope for June 2012

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are on a roll, Cancer, although you might not know it yet with every part of your being. Significant partners in your life are contributing, in their own difficult way, and surprises abound, and although you feel like hibernating you see that it is vitally important that you voyage onward. This is indeed a time of unconscious intuition as well as conscious choice, and allowing these two to work together might be just the ticket for you as you chart your progress. This is an important period of loss as well as triumph and scary until you recognize that you can count on the universe to hold you up, in spite of everything. You are revisioning your world and your way through it, and this becomes a freely joyous experience the more you can let go of any definite expectations.

As the month begins, you are working with internal rather than external realities. The recent eclipse from the 20th of May that took place in your sector of dream imagination and hidden depths was accompanied by a heightened presence of mystical Neptune in your sector of higher mind, so that you have been meditating on your deep process and these meditations have been unusually productive from the standpoint of soul purpose. There is a sense in which the inner and the outer reflect each other, as within so without, and lately you have been extremely sensitive to that way of thinking and feeling. Your path right now is one of inner work leading to outer fulfillment. You have perhaps started to become more conscious of certain features of your interior architecture. There could be doubts and fears lurking there or a part that questions whether you are in fact "good enough," whatever that might even mean. These hidden components could at times lead you into reactivity. But through witnessing your unconscious patterns you begin to catch yourself in the act, as it were, and to begin to transcend them. The cosmos wants to help; angels applaud when you can see your fear come up and then gently set it aside in favor of love. With the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of Monday, June 4th, you are reaching out to others in a new way and seeing the flowering of your recent changes in terms of partnership interaction and service to the broader collective. You are getting important intimations of soul purpose and how that relates back to spiritual values. There are some difficulties to take in stride, perhaps an overly forceful communication style that might cause ripples, but especially in terms of learning experience the eventual outcome is likely to be profound. With the Last Quarter Moon a week later, taking place on Monday, June 11th, you are mulling over what has transpired and attempting to make sense of these events according to what you feel that you need to manifest at the deepest level. Your communication is perhaps a bit forceful now as you attempt to refine your position and express this new-found belief system to others around you. You will not be easily dissuaded as you reconsider your circumstances with what might seem to be a detective-like penetration into the very heart of the matter. Each of these stages, building upon the previous one, takes you further into what stands out as the career move and the relationship dynamic that finally begins to make sense. The New Moon of Tuesday, June 19th, brings fresh energy to your purpose and gives you a pioneering kind of solidity as you proceed to take your stand. You are filled with a kind of holy zeal for the career path that allows you to express your highest purpose in new ways, and while doing so defends the less fortunate just as much as the well-placed members of society. You are feeling comfortable in your own skin now, and better prepared for the massive societal changes yet to come, that are obviously also very personal. In the last week of the month comes the First Quarter Moon of the evening of June 26th, in your security sector. This remains a very intense time when also the Uranus-Pluto square perfects, highlighting career opportunities that could conflict with partnership concerns and transformation. You are finding that the insights derived from intuitional flashes could outweigh the information coming at you by more conventional means, and even trump these other avenues in terms of what ultimately is most important to you. Although there is tension in your process now, there are also great rewards to be gained from discerning the flow and arc of your personal evolution and choosing above all to move in accord with that impulse.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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