Posted on April 30, 2024 in Virgo
By Henry Seltzer and Alea Balzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is a confusing month, Virgo, with many variables, as the astrological indications reveal. Your ruler, Mercury, still recovering from its recent retrograde, is part of a gathering of planets from last month in your sector of intimacy, depth exploration, and partnership agreements. Your focus and attention is therefore divided, perhaps pertaining to the influence and contributions of others rather than strictly yourself. On the other hand, as is fully in line with your own evolutionary development, you are made increasingly aware this month of what is going on beneath the surface layers of your psyche, affecting your most fundamental beliefs and worldview. It is also possible that inner wounding could come up for you, as suggested by the potent presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, featured from last month in this same delicate area of your chart. As May continues to unfold, you could find yourself still dealing with this residue of ancient trauma. If such is the case, the best way forward might be to accept rather than shun these flawed and strange parts of yourself, reaching downward with loving comfort and assurance. The woundings of early childhood never completely vanish, yet with care and attention they become far more manageable, and even an asset.
The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at
As you enter the May month you find yourself in the in the waning days of the Aries lunation cycle, which began with the extremely powerful solar eclipse from last month in your sphere of intimacy, partnership agreements, shared resources, and personal transformation. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, was extremely highlighted in this eclipse configuration, indicating that all these areas could be affected by core wounding or learning from that in dealing with this type of inner work, and that such learning has a role in the initiation of this new pathways forward involving the exploration of your depths. Becoming more conscious of patterns that shape this aspect of your life will empower agency in your connections with others. This may also connote a deeper metamorphosis through releasing existential or karmic burdens that were serving to anchor you to the past, thereby making important movement forward with your evolutionary development.
On May 2nd, Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius. Standing still in the sky, the agent of transformation draws attention to the much slower evolution process now underway in your sphere of daily work, service, and health. Aspects from Venus in Taurus and Mars in Aries as you enter the month may amplify this lag as faster developments in your life and perspective draw up against mundane responsibilities you are bound to. These aspects may intensify fundamental differences in values or issues of reciprocity, both energetic and material. A sextile from Mars to Pluto may empower physical activities and sexual drives between the 1st—5th. However, health flare-ups or boiling over resentments may thrust less conscious baggage or imbalances in your intimate or business relationships into the light
From the 5th to the 7th, your ruling planet, Mercury, conjoins Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Aries, or your intimacy sector, exact the late evening of the 6th. This depth aspect may stir up wounds stemming from early childhood related to embodiment, self-confidence, or authority within the complicated terrain of intimate, material, and energetic exchange. The remedy of loving acceptance and delving down into your own unconscious process involves intuitional understanding fully as much as more logical detective work. In the process you may learn to acknowledge your vulnerabilities and accept care from others — and to advocate for yourself more confidently. It might be Ok to let people know how much you need them. Journaling or other ways of self-seeking and psychological excavation may get to the root of something big as long as you allow that to happen.
The Taurus New Moon lands on the 7th and opens up a new lunation cycle in your sector of higher learning, beliefs, and travel, which was also the site of last month's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. The Uranian process of breakdown to break through is still in progress and could be continuing to confront you with challenges that test your faith and understanding of life’s unfolding process. An experience of surrender now might put you more closely in touch with your spiritual nature or a more profound sense of abundance through your connection to the earth. Much is generative about this new cycle, which is uplifted by the presence as well in your higher mind sector of the benefics Jupiter and Venus. It could be a favorable time to launch or invest in things you want to grow, including your beliefs and worldview, which implies your happiness, knowledge, and experience. The Sun and Moon are forming a sextile to Saturn in your opposite sign of Pisces, so that your committed partnerships may provide a supportive anchor or perhaps relational restructuring that in turn gives you greater freedom to expand your own horizons.
The Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus on the 12th and 13th, the same day as Mercury escapes its retrograde shadow. Along with the awareness that things can move forward now with greater stability and assurance of direction, comes therefore the Uranus effect of radical shift in fundamental beliefs or self-concept. You might even momentarily feel more free from the need to please others, or gain some self-recognition as a leader by further awakening to your own potential
On the 15th, the First Quarter Moon in Leo indicates changes in your belief system could prompt deeper shifts in your psyche or take you closer to your essential nature. Transformation in your educational path or plans abroad may be complicated by day-to-day obligations. Mercury joins the stellium in Taurus on this same day applying to a square with Pluto, so that transformation, including changing habits, comes very much into this picture.
Venus conjoins Uranus on the 17th, and the 18th, in Taurus, corresponding to your higher mind sector, and there is also on the 18th a magical Jupiter Cazimi in Taurus. Liberation from outdated dynamics or values could expand your kinship with others through cooperative efforts or shared interests, and you are taking this good energy into career and professional goals. Foreign travel or new paths of education and spirituality also offer meaningful expansion and joy. People may be drawn to you today; you could be acknowledged for your expertise or attract the support of people in influential positions. Unexpected opportunities arise, romantic connections are important new teachers as they or mentors cross your path.
From the 18th and the 21st, Mars conjuncts the North Node in Aries, exact on the 19th, and this could energize collaborations and contractual matters. It may also amplify any intimacy issues where you are reaching out for a more definitive and purposeful role.
The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th, announcing the beginning of an emerging focus on matters of career and public profile.
On May 23rd, the Sagittarius Full Moon lands in your sector of home and family as the lunation cycle culminates. This indicates that your emotional focus swings in part to familial dynamics, your physical dwelling space, or issues of family of origin. Venus conjoins Jupiter in the last degree of Taurus so at the edge of your public sector of career and professional life, as both planets connect to Neptune in late Pisces. Intimacy issues abound. Progress on a shared dream or an unexpected gift or inheritance may see corresponding shifts in your living situation or family life. Perhaps you are adopting a more compassionate mindset that deepens familial bonds or lightens some karmic baggage. Prioritize what brings you meaning and joy, including matters of love, social connection, and acts that reflect your broader ethics or worldview.
Jupiter enters Gemini on the 25th. Topics related to your career or public participation offer a path of meaning and opportunity at this time, as you shine in outer world participation and honors. It might be that you will recognize how you can now take what you have been learning in your sector of higher mind and begin to put it into action. This new emphasis in Gemini, your fellow Mercury-ruled sign, may also see you significantly widening your scope of expertise through further training or expand the reach of your ideas and communication. Jupiter's entrance is empowered by a trine to Pluto in your communications sector, suggesting progress in your career may empower your daily work with purpose, or you could receive wider recognition for efforts you have been slogging away at for some time.
From the 28th to the 31st, there is an interior mandate that pulls you to depth within your psyche. Intimacy issues are really up for you as Mars conjuncts Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Aries, in your sector of close connection and personal evolution. The release of pent-up emotions as you can manage that may be essential and will in any case be cathartic.
On the 30th, and the 31st, the Mercury-Uranus conjunction in Taurus signals a wilder ending to the month than you perhaps had planned. A shift in your mindset could prompt realizations of a cosmic color and allow you greater freedom in the way you make sense of the experiences of your life. Jupiter in Gemini further emphasizes how all the different things you have recently learned converge into a unique whole — and equip you with a perspective that may also be helpful to others around you.
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