Virgo Horoscope for April 2024

Virgo Horoscope for April 2024

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is in some ways a difficult month for you, Virgo, and yet there are many redeeming factors of an interior kind. Your ruler, Mercury, is retrograde all month, in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, starting from the 1st, and your presence for yourself and others takes an introspective turn. This a good for deep-diving; for coming up with a better idea of who in fact, you really are, vital for profound connection with others, and this will be the fruit of these weeks of inner exploration developing over time. Mercury stations direct on the 25th, and is then recovering its zodiacal position and normal speed, only becoming fully recovered by May 13th. The solar eclipse of April 8th forms a potent juncture of indwelling where you really live, and of carrying that depth understanding into all your relations with others to include important partners. You are seeking within yourself the determination to manufacture your own personal worldview, independent from earlier conditioning and consensus thoughts and pressure. The Full Moon of the 23rd represents a fulfillment of your rather intense arc of development over the previous two weeks, and coming into new awareness which is then available for communication about what truly matters to you at depth.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The influence of the previous month’s Pisces New Moon is still unfolding during the first week of April which energizes the relationship sector of your chart in important ways. Connections in your life, business alliances, marriage or intimate partnerships could all be of central focus right now although the agreements you have with others could continue to feel somewhat elusive. This could be a big month for revisions of all kinds including contracts and alliances. This early part of April will bring opportunities to clarify what is expected of you and what you expect in return. It's not always easy for you to take the lead but if you don’t speak clearly about what you need you could be at the mercy of someone else’s flight of fancy.

Your ruling planet Mercury is currently in Aries and turns retrograde on the 1st of the month and will basically be moving backward until the last week of April. After Mercury’s station to direct motion on the 25th, it will begin to normalize, and finally reach the end of its retrograde shadow period on May 13th. Mercury’s tricky and articulate energy is muted now, and turned inward. The introspective influence of this monthly cycle must be taken into consideration, especially in your partnerships. Major decisions are best put on hold until the end of April if that is possible although an active Uranus could also tempt you or someone else close to go out on a limb on impulse or jump to conclusions.

On April 2nd and 3rd, creating the perfect canvas for projections of all kinds, Venus the planet of Love meets Neptune in Pisces – the king of glamor. In your relationships, you could see what you want to see which may be a good thing or a bad thing depending on both parties' mindset and what you each need from the relationship. Regardless, there is an otherworldly glow that could fall on your life during the first week of April that could be both inspiring and a little disorienting. Venus enters Aries a few days later on late evening April 4th, joining the crew of planets already in Aries.

On April 8th, the second week of the month begins with the much talked-about Aries solar eclipse New Moon. This event is a super charged New Moon with a configuration pattern that lasts for six months, projecting evolutionary changes fostering greater intimacy in your life both with others and within yourself. At the same time, the Sun and Moon are forming a precise conjunction with Chiron infusing this lunation with themes related to wounding and healing. Partnership agreements could be under closer scrutiny and past hurts could be coming up for better integration and healing. Mars, which rules over the Aries eclipse, is still in Pisces and forms a conjunction with Saturn on April 9th and 10th which has the potential to highlight the current challenges that you face with the people close to you. On the other hand, this moment also offers an opportunity to re-commit more deeply to someone although there will be a need for honest communication before a lasting pact can be made.

On April 11th, Mercury in Aries reaches the Sun, signaling the halfway point in its retrograde cycle and this conjunction could also coincide with momentary new information or clarity emerging. With Mercury still retrograde until the 25th, and then recovering until after the end of the month, there could be echoes of a situation that occurred in late March, allowing you to eventually see things more clearly and better understand what’s at stake. It may be a good time to re-assess business partnerships and the people who support your professional advancement to make sure you are still on the same page. You could be craving more autonomy but you may not be able to branch out entirely on your own at this time.

Things will start to feel more progressive in some ways once the Sun enters earthy Taurus on April 19th, which could bring steady and progressive growth in the following month.

Also in this timing, Jupiter meeting Uranus in Taurus from the 17th to the 23rd could emphasize a sudden departure from the norm or freedom from what you have been up to until now. Your beliefs and worldview are stimulated and metamorphically new landscapes beckon. There could be something really exciting on the horizon that relates to travel or education or have been in the works in altered form for quite some time already.

The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 23rd illuminates your skills, your talents and your ability to focus on the task at hand. This Full Moon in Scorpio could work in your favor and it may be easier to broadcast yourself and gain some visibility especially through media or other forms of communication.

Mercury turns direct a few days later on the 25th while forming a conjunction with the North Node in Aries. Fate could be at work in your life and things could be speeding up in the coming weeks although you may have a hard time directing your ship in one single direction. Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces on the 29th may find you idealizing someone or something although Venus entering Taurus on the same day and Mars leaving Pisces for Aries on the 30th should help dissipate the fog.

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