Virgo Horoscope for March 2024

Virgo Horoscope for March 2024

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another in a series of thoughtful months, Virgo, when you are investigating considerations of worldview, partnership, and your own individual sense of your mission statement going forward. With Pluto recently entered into Aquarius, in your sector of service to others, the way that you conceive how your values engage with your actions has been in transformation and has provided questions that you are attempting to resolve. The end of the previous month of February was dynamic in this regard, so that, consciously or perhaps less than consciously, you are still likely sorting things out as the March month gets underway. The Pisces New Moon that arrives on Sunday, March 10th, in your opposite sign, brings new conclusions and perhaps further uncertainties, along with a determination to see things through to some novel and previously unexpected conclusion. This timing also brings a fresh start to the significance of relationship in your life as an adjunct to your own arc of development, and as aid. You are finding your way forward consistent with your most deeply held principles, at least as you can currently discern them.

The following was written by our guest columnist Issa Hammond. You can write them at

March begins in the wake of last month’s Aquarius New Moon in in your sector of day-to-day events and your workplace environment, with transformational Pluto there as well, which also featured Uranus in Taurus, your sector of higher mind, to include spirituality, travel, and education, bringing surprises and shakeups to these areas which can yet be enlightening.

Because daily life and your habitual patterns or health regimens continue to be under the influence of Pluto where you may have noticed a transformation of process, collaboration or balance concerning your health, your relationship to uniqueness, or your work motivation. With Mercury, the ruler of your chart, in your relationship sector of the Other, you may be particularly concerned with partners now.

From March 7th to the 8th, as Mercury in Pisces conjoins Neptune in Pisces, leading to a sense of idealism with regard to close partners, or perhaps self-deceptive or foggy thought process, you may recognize that there is more to understanding than mere logic, and more to your interactions with others than surface considerations.

Then from March 8th to 10th, as Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus supported by the New Moon, there could be surprising, sudden, or even shocking advances in the way that you see the world around you. You may also be taking collective action around potential injury, illuminating the ductile nature of truth, or of a health ailment, questioning a point, examining universal truths, the healthcare system or societal systems in general.

The New Moon in Pisces takes place on March 10th, at 1am PST, in your relationship sector, and features a sextile between Pluto in Aquarius and Mercury in Aries, bringing transformation to communication, skill, negotiations, or your own internal process of self-understanding. This New Moon in Pisces may usher in new opportunities around a relationship or a sacred role. There is a lot of energy now, even more so when you consider the square between Mars and Uranus, which brings a strong dose of intuitional understanding to higher mind activities, intimate connection with others and also to an exploration of your own depths.

Venus enters your opposite sign of Pisces on March 11th, and you may encounter abundance with a partner, or perhaps a teacher, as well as a sense of your values being met by another trusted person. You may be offered the opportunity to travel, or feel more spiritually and societally aligned, or appreciated.

The Sun conjuncts Neptune in Pisces in the timing of the First Quarter Moon of March 16th, which could also simultaneously up the level of tension, especially if you are attempting to make changes in a partnership context. The Neptune influence is multi-faceted, and can smooth things out with mutual feelings of compassionate oneness, or else allow mis-understandings or downright deception to creep in.

The Spring Equinox for the Northern Hemisphere takes place on the evening of March 19th, and represents yet another stage in your evolving understanding of yourself and others. The depths of you are brought further into play at this juncture, to the extent that you can allow it.

From March 20th to the 23rd, there are a series of aspects that could arouse themes of inner wounding, resources, and health. The Sun sextiles Pluto, Lord of Death and Rebirth, erasing any doubts about the need for meaningful change to continue to appear in your life. Health regimens and issues could come up for adjustments. Mercury, your ruler, simultaneously conjuncts Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in your sector of intimacy and depth exploration, which could allow evidence of inner wounding to arise, and also healing for these difficulties begin to emerge. As Venus in Pisces conjoins Saturn on the 21st, you may experience a greater ease, an opening, space within a structure, a greater capacity to be loving.

Mars’ entrance into Pisces on March 22nd may indicate an ability to cut through a density or relationship interaction, or to take action where it was previously lacking. You could also find yourself more physically motivated in a relationship setting.

From March 23rd to the 24th, as Venus in Pisces applies sextile to Jupiter in Taurus, you may realize this aspect as a gift to your values and finances, relationship joy, or being presented with an honored role.

The Full Moon and lunar eclipse take place in Libra on March 25th at 12am PDT copresent new Nature planet Makemake in your sector of resources and income, and this might coincide with a greater appreciation of earth issues, or a decision to take on more activist role in regard to concepts of social justice. The potent Full Moon, with effects lasting for up to six months, may also illuminate themes of inheritance, charity, increase, expenditures, or partnership agreements. Kindness abounds, a wise woman, a culture, a softer role, or forgiveness may be a powerful influence on your evolving spirituality, higher education or actual journey. You are motivated to press hard for you yourself uniquely desire and to put up rather than shut up to get what you want.

From March 26th to the 28th, Venus in Pisces applying sextile Uranus in Taurus may allow for fun, laughter, relief, healing or unexpected help. Embracing these benefic qualities can take you to a new place. You may be involved with a foreign partner, a benefactor, or a loving teacher. You could also experience art, music or a field of study to be a divine calling.

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