Virgo Horoscope for February 2024

Virgo Horoscope for February 2024

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an other-oriented month for you, Virgo, although that is not to say that your creative self-expression is not on the front burner. It might be just that your own developmental evolution requires partnership interaction in this timing. Sweet as logic can be, you might also be recognizing that logic alone won’t get you where you need to go, without an element of faith in the Universe, or Nature herself, to have your back. This used to be the province of religious practice, and that could still be the way, and in any case the ineffable is calling you. Along with the effects of relationship on your life path, you might find yourself wrestling with these types of questions. With the powerful Aquarius New Moon of February 9th, which also celebrates the return of Pluto to this sign, you are looking into your habitual patterns and feeling the shift. A sense of expansion is manifest, so that you might also be exuberant and full of curiosity for an enhanced understanding that can help you make better sense of the world and your role within it. Relationship commitment could be part of this, as you continue to find your own way forward.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

Matters of creativity, children, and joy remain the heart of activity over the first eight days of February as the Capricorn lunation cycle, which began last mid-month, wanes. You have been finding that matters of personal partnership have a lot to do with your creative ideas and projects. Also, twists and turns related to your exploration of your beliefs and worldview – along with the world itself and its ideas - continue to influence the evolution of these topics for you as February month’s first week gets underway.

An ongoing sextile between Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces indicates there is harmony between these shifts and developments in your sphere of committed partnership that offers ambient stability throughout the entire month.

On the 4th, your ruling planet, Mercury, enters Aquarius and starts a conversation with Pluto, enhancing his transformative presence there. This may involve extreme focus and eventual metamorphosis with respect to your daily responsibilities, work, and health – now the subjects of significant change and personal growth connected to Pluto's transit of the sign for the next 20 years. You may be giving serious consideration to your mental or physical health and habitual behaviors, including the way you use technology and the internet.

The above occurs alongside the activation of Chiron in Aries due to a square from Venus in Capricorn. This occurs in your sector of intimacy and personal transformation, which may raise vulnerabilities around autonomy and your capacity to steer the course of your life. indicates this may emerge through topics connected to children, sexuality, or money. Pluto's connection to Mercury may help you examine how foundational experiences shaped your core beliefs and the effect of these thought patterns on your behavior and wellbeing.

The Aquarius New Moon takes place on February 9th putting your daily striving, rituals, and habit patterns in the spotlight. Because forming a square to Uranus in Taurus, this lunation highlights the value of looking at the universe in new and weird ways – where metaphysical or spiritual explorations may liberate you from unimaginative ways of seeing the world or notions about what you're supposed to be doing in it. The significance of your sphere of higher education and foreign lands is reinforced by a square from Mercury to Jupiter. The urge to escape your mundane responsibilities and set off for foreign lands may be strong. However, your daily dedication and hard work could be motivated by goals associated with education, travel, or a spiritual quest.

On the 12th, Mars brings heat as it moves into Aquarius conjoining Pluto. While significant energy is on hand to enhance your output, Mars brings you back to the unavoidable realities of being a soul in a body and your gut-level intelligence. Be it a health flare-up, anger, or passion, this transit could inflame situations or buried feelings and force you to act on something you have been putting off.

By the end of the week, Venus follows suit, co-joining Pluto after entering Aquarius on the 16th. The connection may raise tension around money or unsatisfying relationship patterns, including the division of chores.

From the 16th to the 18th, Mercury's square to Uranus may spark inventive new approaches to your routines that make more room for fun and spontaneity. This may arrive alongside an increased preoccupation with global events and reflection on how you embody your guiding ethics and values.

On the 18th, The Sun enters your opposite sign of Pisces, announcing an emerging focus on marriage and one-on-one partnerships over the next month.

The activation of Chiron alongside Pluto this month brings attention to the complex truths of being deeply connected to others, be it karmically, materially, or emotionally. Events related to your mental and physical health or daily responsibilities may trigger narratives of disempowerment that are bound to pain from the past. Chiron's conjunction with the Lunar Node on the 19th suggests reorientation to wounding around agency and trust may empower you to participate more fully in your life and could occur in tandem with release or change within intimate or contractual relationships.

A conjunction between Venus and Mars over the 20th–24th could align with a creative work or financial opportunity. This is a favorable time for relationships—maybe you make a new friend at work or bring the spark back into your domestic relationship. Both planets form applying squares to Jupiter as they separate, suggesting you may find inspiration in the guidance of a mentor or achieve success in your academic endeavors.

Mercury enters your opposite sign of Pisces on the 22nd, where it rules the Full Moon taking place in your sign two days later.

On February 24th, the Full Moon lands in your sign, bringing key relationships in your life to the fore, and, as well, inspiring you to reassess your perspectives on productivity. The focus on partnership that is natural with this passage of the Sun through your opposite sign finds fulfilment in the Full Moon, ahead of the next month’s Pisces New Moon. You are also feeling into the effect of your important relationships on your own evolutionary progress. Even if the path to healing, change, or achieving a goal is more circuitous than planned, there is great value in accepting yourself and all your human inconsistencies – without the need for reconciliation or perfection. This Full Moon grounds you back to the earth and the wisdom of your body, which may tell you more about how you feel strong and healthy than what the experts say.

One-on-one relationships are also emphasized in the final days of the month due to the cazimi of both Mercury and Saturn in Pisces on the morning of the 28th. This may be a rare and consequential time of alignment and commitment within business or intimate partnerships. You could see a shared vision start to take form, meet someone significant, or potentially a mentor, or perhaps come to a new understanding of your relational patterns. The forming sextiles from Mercury and the Sun to Jupiter in Taurus additionally emphasize the importance of shared philosophical perspectives amongst your close connections and partnerships.

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