Virgo Horoscope for June 2024

Virgo Horoscope for June 2024

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an amazing month for you, Virgo, providing insight into your fundamental makeup and a degree of healing. You have been, since April, riding a wave of depth exploration – that has been only partly consciously directed – leading to an enhanced understanding of your own undercurrents and then also too, your basis for intimate connection. It is likely that inner wounding has in some ways arisen, and if so, this can be seen as a series of guideposts on the road to healing. As the current month begins, the highlighted presence of expansionist Jupiter makes for optimistic thinking regarding career and profession, and presages a strong tie between significant partnerships and your success in terms of outer world achievement. The dramatically potent Gemini New Moon of June 6th additionally indicates something of a fresh start with vocation, worldview, values, and finances. Your ongoing transformation of age-old habit patterns is bolstered by newfound levels of authenticity in your communicative outreach and your looming learning curve. Your internal moral compass is being guided, and perhaps tested, by unseen forces at work within you, again emphasizing the productive capacity of depth work. It might turn out that the pathway down and the pathway up are one and the same.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer, together with Leslie Benson. You can reach Alea at

June greets you at final week of the Taurus lunation cycle seeded in your higher mind sector of education, foreign travel, and systems of belief. Recent transits have continued to activate the ripples initiated at April's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in this part of your chart and the Aries solar eclipse from April in your sector of personal transformation and intimacy. While you could feel less stress or excitement in these areas of your life as these cycles wane, there have likely been further developments there that are reverberating through your consciousness as the June month gets underway.

In the lead-up to this month as well, Jupiter has entered the sign of Gemini, and now sits at the most visible angle of your solar chart, corresponding to career and profession. Jupiter also trines Pluto in Aquarius right from the 1st, and aspect that is active over the month’s initial week. The transformational component provides by this important planetary interaction could imply that big changes are coming into your awareness in terms of your attitude toward your vocation.

On the 3rd, Mercury, your ruler, enters Gemini and conjuncts Jupiter, joining in on the trine to Pluto in Aquarius — thereby pulling into the connection being made between vocational agendas and your sphere of daily work, health, and service to others. Growth in your perspective and knowledge or lessons of experience courtesy of the school of life could empower your voice or motivate a new purpose, suggesting you may have something to say to the world. This could be when your sacrifices and dedication start to pay off, or a new endeavor could demand such commitment.

There is an unusually long-lasting Venus cazimi, also in Gemini, from the 3rd to the 5th, signifying a possible change in your public image or professional relationships — perhaps you are embodying different values or a new look. Topics of enjoyment, creativity, and connection could now be amplified, possibly clarifying desires for greater career satisfaction from a relationship or an aesthetic standpoint.

The Gemini New Moon on the 6th initiates a new cycle that may bring an influx of opportunity or empower action in your sphere of vocation and reputation. Featuring a triple conjunction between the Moon, Sun, and Venus alongside Jupiter and lunation ruler Mercury, this could align with something coming to fruition or offer chances to increase your wealth, professional connections, or expertise. This cycle comes with a provocation along the lines of if you could be known for what you do, what would it be? Perhaps this sparks a period of exploration as you follow your interests and emerging possibilities somewhere new. Pluto is also re-energized in this New Moon due to close aspects from the Sun, Moon, and Venus by sesquiquadrate. The enhanced presence of Pluto colors this New Moon in this key sector of your chart. It is possible that important life changes are taking place within you and affecting the way that you are coming to regard your work as an act of service to the society around you.

There is a square in the New Moon configuration between the Sun, Moon, and Venus to Saturn in Pisces, or your sphere of partnership, and this brings in a challenge of discernment. Attempting to go everywhere at once will be fruitless, and you may have to pick a path and commit to it. These matters will evolve over the coming months as Jupiter moves toward a square with Saturn, possibly related to differentiating personal ambitions within shared goals. Whether this relates to a relationship getting more serious, reaching a limit, or developments in your partner's life, these matters may influence the way you are seen and move through the world.

On the late evening of the 8th, Mars enters Taurus, energizing your intellectual, philosophical, and spiritual pursuits, including overseas travel. An immediate square to Pluto in Aquarius, which remains in aspect until the 12th, adds a measure of volatility, possibly bringing up health challenges or other mundane realities that could inhibit a call to adventure or expansion. Less conscious patterns may be emphasized, including beliefs that inform your relationship to your body, work, or the care you devote to others. A confrontation may be clarifying, perhaps related to reassessing a long-held attitude or path of learning.

Squares from Venus and the Sun to Saturn perfect over the 7th to the 9th, suggesting you are getting real within a partnership or your approach to them, including practical considerations of money, work, and division of labor. This period could emphasize lack in the absence of a significant other or fears around commitment.

A Mercury-Saturn square on the 12th may prompt serious consideration or frank discussions about these topics or other unresolved issues within a partnership. Challenges may require compromise or a deeper understanding of each other's needs and perspectives.

Mercury moves through the heart of the Sun on the 14th. The rebirth of your ruling planet may bring clarity or a breakthrough related to your career or public life, including leadership and teaching roles or other ways you share your voice and ideas. You may be quite persuasive or have some visibility at this time.

The First Quarter Moon in your sign on the 13th could indicate an adjustment in your professional approach to account for personal needs and changes. Your vocational choices are more conditioned by your own inner guidance system than you might have previously been aware, with the consequences of this realization.

From the 16th to the 17th, Venus and Mercury form applying squares to Neptune in Pisces as they depart Gemini and conjoin in Cancer on the 17th. These encounters with Neptune suggest some degree of soul-searching around relationships and your life path. The Venus- Mercury conjunction combined with Jupiter's influence in Gemini could vitalize your ability to align with others, which could see you connect deeply with a friend, mobilize a collaborative effort, or advance an ambition.

The Sun enters Cancer on the 20th, heralding the Northern Hemisphere’s Summer Solstice, lighting up matters related to community, long-term dreams, and your emotional needs for belonging and connection over the next month. The Sun squares Neptune in the process, so that there is a mystical quality now to your future visions for yourself, your community, and the society that surrounds you.

The Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st illuminates the influence of topics related to pleasure, creativity, and children in the current lunation cycle, including the material demands of expanding your family. This may be a time of shared enjoyment or raise a need for work-life balance. A T-square between the Sun and Moon to Neptune could amplify the emotional effect of relationship considerations or needs for greater intimacy. Someone in your social or professional environment could also draw your attention. A sextile from Mercury in Cancer to Mars in Taurus links your social sphere and matters of travel, spirituality, and study, suggesting they support your happiness and aspirations or may connect you with new allies.

On the 28th, a Last Quarter Moon in Aries takes place alongside a square from Mercury in Cancer to Chiron in Aries, drawing attention to your sector of shared resources, personal growth, and intimacy. Matters initiated at April's solar eclipse may be advanced or prompt a change of tact at this time, including those related to your partnerships or the resources and support you receive from others. Changes in what you are doing in the world or how you are seen may call for the release of an old identity or fears around self-worth and standing out. A life or personal transformation may also influence how you connect to others.

Saturn stations retrograde in Pisces on the 29th. As it retraces its path until November 15th, you may begin to recognize and reflect on recurring themes in this area of your life. This may motivate readjustments that strengthen the foundations of your relationship as you encounter the challenges of a new developmental phase. It could present a period of integration connected to the ending of a relationship, where you reassess your approach to matters of love and partnership.

Solar Return Report

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Your Solar Return Chart is a powerful technique for examining the themes and issues that will arise for you during your solar year - the year that runs from birthday to birthday. Often the turning point represented by your birthday time of the year brings a new phase of your life into existence, and the Solar Return chart helps you to examine this new perspective on your life and what your year may bring.

Includes a colorful chart with complete interpretations of zodiac signs, planetary positions and aspects.

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