Virgo Horoscope for August 2023

Virgo Horoscope for August 2023

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another rather intense month for you, Virgo, and potentially one of deep reflection and introspection. Your future plans and societal contribution are also powerfully affected. This is due to the presence of outer planet archetypes in connection with personal planets in the key lunations of August, and also to the factor of Mercury, your ruling planet, slowing down and turning to retrograde motion in your sign. While Mercury’s retrograde station is not until the 23rd, you will be sensitive to its effects in the slowing down phase a week or two before that date. The Leo New Moon of the 16th features Mercury in close aspect to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, indicating that there could be some prolonged internal investigations regarding the dark places within you. These have resulted from unresolved early childhood trauma and are calling for renewed attention to internal realities that are in need of being more fully addressed. Provided you can spend some quality time with yourself throughout the current month and into the next, this can be a rewarding period, productive of new insights and a better integration of inner and outer life factors.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of August begins as you are still feeling the energy of the recent Cancer New Moon from mid-July that took place in your sector of future plans and societal commitment. You may face a shifting set of beliefs and a worldview that sizzles with new ideas. You are also feeling motivated to focus on your close relationships more carefully with a goal of really exploring the ways that important others in your life serve to aid you in your own spiritual and evolutionary development.

As part of this progress, the Full Moon in Aquarius culminates on August 1st in the sector of your chart that relates to your health, your exercise routines, and your habitual day-to-day behaviors. The interplay between giving and receiving could be more obvious than usual at this time as your ruler Mercury in your sign comes into opposition with Saturn in Pisces. You may have to take a moment to ask yourself why you do what you do and assess the give and take in your relationships. Mars in your sign forms a supportive exact trine with Jupiter in Taurus in this Full Moon, bringing you feelings of buoyancy and expansiveness. You might need to guard against overdoing things. There is energy available for learning and doing right now and you may find it harder than usual to sit still and give yourself permission to just rest and allow quiet to seep in.

The Sun along with Venus retrograde in Leo continues to illuminate your soul-sector for the first half of August. Although there is tons of energy available with Mars transiting in your sign, there is also a more contemplative undertow coloring this period as you reflect on your past and release old attachments or ways of being. Venus retrogrades through the sign of Leo until September 3rd so that this entire month should have something of an introspective feel to it.

From the 6th to the 7th, the Sun in Leo forms a square with Jupiter in Taurus, which may speak to the opportunities that are available when you shift your perspective. Much of what is available to you at this time could be coming through because of the inner work and efforts you have been doing to expand your vision of what is possible.

From the 8th to the 10th, Mercury in your sign of Virgo trines Jupiter in Taurus which continues to bring important insights and highlights a philosophical framework that can help you structure your reality in progressive ways as you move forward. Simultaneously to this Mercury-Jupiter aspect, Venus retrograde squares Uranus in Taurus further expanding your mental outlook and casting shifting shadows on your worldview and your outlook. Information and inspiration may come to you more easily in this mid-month time, so that you could gain from paying close attention to synchronicities and your dreams.

Venus meets the Sun in Leo on the 13th which signals the halfway point of her retrograde cycle and a time of illumination for Venusian themes like love, beauty, pleasures, money. This timing offers insights into your desire-nature.

The Leo New Moon takes place on the 16th, in your soul sector, while squaring Trickster Uranus in Taurus. Venus in Leo also forms a square with the Jupiter/Uranus midpoint. There is conceivably a lot of intuitional information available to your learning process at this time, with brilliant ideas occurring to you. This New Moon signals the beginning of a new cycle that relates to your spiritual life and your ongoing inner work, as you attempt to more clearly perceive what is going on in your deeper levels, and as you grow in your relationship to mystical and philosophical frameworks that support your understanding of the universe and your place within it. This New Moon could be your cue to trust the processes currently taking place in your life. Even when things feel messy or confusing you can always manage to keep the dialogue going by retreating to your personal center of gravity and authority.

The next week brings an important shift in the energy with the Sun entering your sign on the 23rd. It may be the beginning of a period when your reflections and internal contemplations of the past months need to be actualized in some ways. However, your ruling planet Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo, also on the 23rd, which may be an invitation to be deliberate and strategic about your moves for the next few weeks, holding back from acting too quickly, to ensure that things will eventually move in the direction that you want. Mercury will be moving backward in your sign until mid-September so you can think of this next month as the time needed to refine and better organize your time and energy investments.

From the 26th to the 27th, the Sun forming an opposition with Saturn in Pisces could be a relationship flashpoint although you also have all the information you need to navigate this period artfully.

The Full Moon in Pisces on the 30th continues to highlight relational themes and the responsibilities and expectations within your partnerships. This could be an opportunity to clarify what you need from the people in your life versus what you are receiving in exchange and assess your desires surrounding autonomy and partnerships at this time. Mercury continues to retrograde until the 15th of September and then takes another two weeks to regain normal operating speed. This next month might therefore represent an introspective time for you, when it is not best to “push the river,” and when the final denouement for what you are cooking up will await the Aries Full Moon of September 29th and October.

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