Virgo Horoscope for July 2023

Virgo Horoscope for July 2023

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another thought-provoking month of changes, Virgo. You are very focused on your work in the world, and yet coming at it from the standpoint of the mystical and relatively hidden aspects of your inner nature, sensing that what you do each day stems from an internal value system that is powerful and unique to yourself. The dynamic Capricorn Full Moon of Monday, July 3rd, brings your own creativity into relationship with how well you navigate your beliefs and deeper values to the exclusion of consensus influences. It is in this sense a step forward, as you consider your goals and plans in a new light, and assess your effect on friends and your larger community. Deep-seated intuition, beyond mere logic, is your friend during this monthly cycle. The Last Quarter Moon at the beginning of the following week makes for an important juncture also, bringing you the urge to act, and to do so in concert with inner guidance. When the New Moon of July 17th takes place in your sector of ongoing plans and societal impact, you are perhaps engaged in a process of reanimating your world with a taste of the unknown Spirit of Creation that underlies everything.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

The Gemini New Moon from last mid-month, which squared Neptune in Pisces, your opposite sign, planted a seed in your sector of career and outer world objectives that has likely stimulated much conversation and consideration around these topics and additionally how they relate to your partnerships. Pluto, also featured in the recent New Moon, implies continued metamorphosis of your day-to-day patterns and your creativity in another transformative month of July. You could also feel tested at this time by a frustrating lack of clarity due to Neptune's obfuscating influence, or perhaps a sense of spiritual destiny. The wisdom of Neptune in connection with the Gemini sign calls for recognition of another type of marriage combination: that of the cerebral with the imaginative. More details on what this means for you yourself will unfold over the course of this month; adopting this open minded attitude remains helpful throughout July as the intangible forces of fate spar with the rational.

July 1st opens with your ruling planet Mercury's solar rebirth in your sphere of community and long-term ambitions, making a sextile to Jupiter in your sector of friendship, societal contribution, and future plans. This combination, plus a square from Venus to Uranus in Taurus that is active from the 1st to the 3rd, suggests potential revelations regarding your life path with those who populate it, connecting your internal process and practices with your education, understandings and worldview, or your travel pursuits. You may have a fortuitous encounter, a mystical or psychological epiphany, or exciting idea regarding teaching or sharing your voice. Venus' momentary conjunction to Mars as she slows offers freedom from self-consciousness, emboldening you to share a private work or creative vision. These themes may continue to resonate throughout July.

The Capricorn Full Moon takes place on July 3rd in your sector of self-expression, children, and joy and may illuminate the need for work/life balance by reprioritizing pleasure, romance, and artistic activities. Alternatively, you may be considering how your leisure and social pursuits are taking you off course. Ruled by Saturn in your partnership sector, the pragmatic quality of this lunation may help you clarify boundaries, see you deepening commitments with a romantic connection, or meet someone new. You may also be negotiating changes in your professional life due to partnerships, children, or collaborative projects you are getting serious about, which connect to your long-term goals. The Moon's trine to Jupiter offers fertile support in realizing your ambitions, and it may be time to consider practical steps forward.

July 10th sees energetic Mars enter your sign, corresponding to your sector of your appearance, identity, and personal ambitions. This transit offers drive and confidence and may bring about a busy two-month period that demands more of you, energy-wise. Your ruling planet Mercury also ingresses into Leo this same day, forming an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn across the axis of community and self-expression. These transits may help you clarify your collective participation through radical honesty and penetrating conversations and could also see you challenged by a friend or collaborator. Cultivating curiosity over reactivity will provide insight into your or others' motivations and may illuminate subconscious shadows related to self-assertion and ego.

The Cancer New Moon takes place on July 17th and plants a new seed in your sector of community and goals as the North and South Lunar Nodes of destiny also are shifting into Aries and Libra, your realms of joint and individual assets. This lunation suggests you have arrived at a critical juncture related to your long-term ambitions and wider connections that may be related to ongoing shifts in your sphere of joy and children, as indicated by the Lunar Nodes forming a T-square aspect to Pluto. The Lunar North Node moving into Aries places emphasis on shared assets, investments, and deepening your bonds of intimacy for the next year and a half, with significant beginnings and endings related to eclipses occurring here and in your Libra-ruled sector of personal resources. Your sign is attuned to sovereignty; this lunation reflects your need for autonomy within close relationships and collective engagement that may relate to a more serious exploration of your own desires and subconscious patterns. The square from your ruling planet, Mercury, in Leo to Jupiter in your sector of the higher mind and travel suggests that teachers and guides, be they in the world or residing in the unseen realms, will be allies in a deeper exploration of your psyche.

Mars in your sign opposes Saturn in Pisces on July 20th, which may again raise topics around individuality within connectedness or perhaps a sense of loneliness or disillusionment in its absence. It might be time to redirect the energy you channel into shared projects and partnerships to your individual ambitions. While frustrations or sobering relational realities may stir impatience or a sense of martyrdom, this transit may help you reorient to relationships centered on choice. Pragmatic conversations could help clarify expectations and reconnect you to shared meaning by asserting your needs.

Venus stations retrograde on July 22nd, the first day of Leo season, as the Sun moves into your sector of the subconscious mind, inner work, and solitude, making a dramatic grand cross aspect with Pluto and the Lunar Nodes as it leaves Cancer. You could be being called, now and over the next six weeks, to explore your program running behind the scenes that informs your relationship to desire, joy, your appearance, money, love, and creativity, as well as shadows related to your inner critic, ego, or letting your light shine. Prioritizing rest, retreat, and what feels joyful within your private creative and spiritual practice may help you connect more deeply to a sense of purpose and self-love.

This process is further supported by Chiron’s station retrograde in Aries the following day, aspected by a separating trine from Mercury in Leo as it forms a square to Uranus in Taurus. These transits suggest Venus' retrograde may involve transformation around experiences of loss of autonomy, possibly financial or related to death or abusive situations. This process supports healing and growth as you update your understanding of the past using new wisdom and understanding. This supports renewed intentionality around who and what you invest your time, energy, and resources in. With the Lunar North Node now occupying this sector of your chart, the next year and a half may open a courageous space that allows you to acknowledge and integrate the more vulnerable and wounded aspects of yourself.

Your ruling planet Mercury forms a conjunction with retrograde Venus on July 27th before moving into your sign the following day. This connection with Venus as the month ends indicates that your ongoing internal process of reorientation might now enable you to articulate your wants and needs, possibly regarding your life path or changes in your identity or appearance. With Mercury operating at full capacity in your sign, fueled by the co-presence of Mars there, the realm of your personal appearance and the way that you show up promises to be a busy sphere of activity for the next month. Channeling the energy available to you this week into projects related to your communications may be particularly fruitful before Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow on August 3rd.

July has offered revelation, reorientation, and release, both through surrender and conscious will. Heading into August, explorations inward will facilitate outward expansion by deepening a connection to your desires, purpose, and ability to connect to others deeply.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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