Virgo Horoscope for September 2023

Virgo Horoscope for September 2023

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another interesting and introspective month for you, Virgo, quintessentially so because Mercury, your ruler, is currently retrograde in your sign. The Mercury Retrograde period includes Mercury’s retrograde shadow, lasting all the way through to September 29th, therefore flavoring this entire month with interior over external perception, ultimately advancing your understanding of yourself and your path. Consider also that the recent Leo New Moon from the middle of the previous month, accompanied by the presence of Venus in retrograde, took place in your sector of unconscious process and inner work, coloring September’s first two weeks. You are becoming more familiar with your internal domain and its influence. Dreams are important now, as well as journaling; be sure to record your night-time dreams and, as well, the subjects of your day-time meditations. You are trying for a better understanding of yourself, and of important others in your life. The New Moon in your sign on the 14th conveys a fresh start on subjects of identity and worldview, with many possibilities and fresh conceptions opening up in this timing. As your spiritual evolution continues, your ideas and your sense of your most sincere principles and values are rearranging themselves into new patterns.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

The influence of the recent Leo New Moon from last month in your sector of dream imagination and unconscious process continues to unfold through the first half of September. You might be exploring the hidden beliefs and stories you carry inside that shape your experience of life and influence your self-esteem, self-expression, and joy. The retrogrades of both Venus and your ruling planet Mercury as the month begins lends an introspective air to the proceedings, and reminds you that turning inward is as much part of the natural rhythm of life as your external output and will actually have the ultimate effect of fortifying your active striving. The Sun is in your sign at the beginning of the September month, emphasizing your time to shine, while the Full Moon from a few days before the month began brought the focus to the key relationships in your life.

With Mercury, your ruler, retrograding through your sign until the 15th, and then recovering for the remainder of the month, this is not a time to push the river, but rather to watch and wait. The Mercury Retrograde period is excellent for review, revision, and reconceptualizing whatever it is that you are most fully up to at this time, and good for researching new possibilities, while yet not the best for actualizing; that final step might be best to leave for October, especially to more fully establish new initiatives for yourself moving forward.

Venus stations direct in Leo on September 3rd. The six-week Venus retrograde period has been connected to renewal in your interior world and the realms of the imaginal, spiritual, and intuitive. Venus' slow recovery for the remainder of the month, and Mercury's ongoing retrograde and then recovery emphasize the sweetness in slowing down and the joy of communing with nature or whatever practices connect you to a more universal whole. Your key partners are an important focus as well over these first two weeks of September. These transits support dialoguing with important others, and with parts of yourself that appear to undermine more conscious ambitions, with an attitude of curiosity and self-acceptance over judgment.

Another interesting aspect of this Venus cycle is her month-long square to Jupiter in Taurus, which remains active from August 22nd to September 22nd. This connects expansion and positivity related to education, travel, spirituality, and your evolving belief systems with your inner work. It might also relate to projects you are working on behind the scenes and conceptualizing for the future.

Mercury moves through its Cazimi moment, transiting the heart of the Sun in your sign in the early morning hours of September 6th, ending approximately 7 am PT, which could reflect a moment of clarity regarding your own life journey. After these morning hours Mercury returns to the usual symptoms of its retrograde cycle through the sphere of your chart related to identity, body, psychology, and self-presentation. This retrograde period serves as a reminder that life is a trial and error process, where obstacles or undesirable outcomes may help you to refine what it is you do want. The inferior conjunction of your ruling planet might align with new details coming to light or emerging understanding about how to deal with matters arising since August 3rd, when Mercury moved into its shadow phase.

The Last Quarter Moon in Gemini, taking place also on the 6th, reflects the analytical nature of the final week of the fading cycle of the Leo New Moon, when you might be looking at what strategies are working and what are not. This could relate to the influence of your vocation or professional ambitions. A trine from Mercury and the Sun to Jupiter indicates the news could be positive or reflect emerging coherence of a big-picture plan related to your Taurus-ruled sector.

The New Moon in your sign on September 14th begins a new cycle related to your personal evolution, identity, body, psychology, and self-presentation. This lunation again features an inventive Uranian influence, this time through a supportive trine from the New Moon to Uranus in Taurus, corresponding to your sector of higher mind. This fresh New Moon energy could have the quality of bringing something into the light. Mercury's station direct the following day, combined with Venus' ongoing square to Jupiter in Taurus, suggests this might relate to ongoing self-reflection that may help you connect to a deeper sense of selfhood and what lights you up. The liberating nature of Uranus and the dexterity of your ruling planet support approaches that combine the practical with the experimental. Their influence might aid you in articulating personal insights or emerging desires and could free up overly self-critical or self-conscious tendencies. You could also harness the power of the New Moon to create new structures that support your health, happiness, and sense of freedom, possibly recognizing the importance of solitude and space within your creative process.

From the 17th to the 20th, the Sun in Virgo forms an opposition to Neptune in Pisces across your axis of self and other, which might be felt as a polarizing tension between your individual and shared ambitions. This transit can affect vitality and highlights the importance of recognizing your needs and taking time out to support mental and physical health. While you have a lot of mental energy at your disposal, not everything can be solved by logic alone. You could be better served by leaning into the romantic and creative qualities of Neptune, although perhaps also noticing what you might be projecting onto another person. Supportive aspects between the Sun and Neptune to Pluto in Capricorn indicate that the transformational power of the universe can come to your aid if you let it. Tensions can be attenuated by or in service to topics related to your creative self-expression, children, and how you enjoy life, some of which may now be experiencing significant changes.

The Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, placing emphasis on topics related to your resources, bank balance, and skills for the next thirty days.

From the 22nd to the 25th, Mars' applying opposition to Chiron in Aries could bring up inner wounding connected to your sense of financial independence, debt, or how you share and wield agency within merged relationships. Supportive aspects from Venus to both Mars and Chiron suggest that your inner explorations may resource healing, possibly through confronting and releasing past pain connected to intimacy and trust or the ending of certain aspects of an existing relationship. This could aid in bringing the energetic give and take into better balance.

The Aries Full Moon arrives on the 29th, and these topics remain in full view. This period might illuminate how topics related to shared assets, inheritances, or business partnerships expand on what was seeded in the Virgo New Moon two weeks past, or how a personal transformation is affecting your intimate connections. This day also sees Venus make her final square with Uranus, which could correlate to a revivification process that has been unfolding since the first Venus-Uranus square at the beginning of July. These transits point to the freedom of changing your mind as you update your beliefs to align with evolving self-understanding and wider knowledge. It might also relate to identifying and articulating what you love or need, informed by your own system of values and external to the perceived expectations of others.

All of the above could be aided by a highly constructive Mercury in your sign escaping its retrograde shadow while connecting to Uranus through a trine. Surprises abound, along with unexpected enlightenment.

Overall, the end of September offers emerging cohesion related to your evolving life trajectory, identity, and health, informed and assisted by an inner recalibration. The deconstructive and problem-solving quality of this month might aid in creating new structures that will support future aims, possibly with more action in October now that Mercury has escaped its retrograde shadow.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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