Posted on October 31, 2018 in Virgo
By Henry Seltzer and Adam Elenbaas for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This month is an interesting and an introspective one for you, Virgo. It is perhaps coming to you to reevaluate your plans and your basic approach to life, including your worldview, and if so, now is the perfect timing. With Venus retrograde and with your ruler Mercury heading into retrograde by mid-month, you are likely looking under the covers of all your activity right now, including family life, career and self-concept. Communication is one major focus all month long, which receives an extra burst of energy with the November 7th Scorpio New Moon. Remember that your intuition is strong, and points you to new ways to move forward. The second half of the month, when Mercury changes direction in your root sector, represents a shift in the cosmic weather patterns. You could find yourself looking into issues with your family of origin, or your current household, attempting to see your way toward working things out in an arrangement that better reflects your deepest values.
The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School
The month begins with retrograde Venus entering into the relationship-oriented sign of Libra, corresponding to your second house of resources and values, indicating that you may well be reflecting on what this area of life, including your finances, truly means for you. At the same time the Leo Moon briefly opposes Mars, still in Aquarius, corresponding to your sixth house of health, day-to-day concerns and the workplace. After rethinking all last summer the way that you do these activities, you are still engaged in seeing through changes there, and trying to better understand them.
Then, on November 7th, the Scorpio New Moon falls in your third house of the mind, communication, and learning. With Venus having also recently retrograde through Scorpio in your third house of communication you have been looking very deeply at the role that emotions and emotional vulnerability play in the ongoing dialogues of your relationships. In the weeks ahead, the New Moon suggests the same themes of intellectual depth, the healing or transformation of the mind, and increased vulnerability in speech and communication.
Meanwhile, all month long, Venus will be retrograde in the sign of Libra, in your second house of money, resources, and values, opposite Uranus in Aries in the eighth house of death and rebirth, and other people’s money or resources. It’s time to reflect upon the way in which money, values, and resources play a role in your intimate relationships. Wherever there is an imbalance in responsibilities or duties, you are getting an opportunity to revise and rebalance the equation. On the other hand, if financial agreements or obligations are no longer working, or need to evolve, don’t be surprised if there are some sudden or unexpected changes that help you to get free of a restrictive or oppressive situation.
Watch especially for shifts as Venus turns direct on November 17th. This is a good time to initiate changes in relationships and finances. Watch also for the financial and relational themes to culminate on November 30th, when Venus will perfect in her opposition to Uranus, creating a powerful moment of breakthrough and transformation.
On November 8th, Jupiter enters Sagittarius and moves into your fourth house of home, family, roots, and ancestry for the year to come. You are moving into a time of deep ancestral and family healing, as well as expansion and growth. Jupiter in the fourth brings justice, truth, and wisdom to all your family relations, and even to the deep, unconscious past, perhaps even touching on themes from past lives or ancient history. Jupiter in the fourth may also emphasize changes regarding your living situation, property, relatives, children, etc. It’s also an excellent time to revitalize or rekindle a foundational level trust and faith in yourself and those closest to you.
On November 15th Mars, the warrior, will change signs and move into Pisces in your seventh house of relationships after spending most of its time in Aquarius since May. Mars will then square Jupiter in Sagittarius in your fourth house of home and family on November 19th. Just as the influence of Jupiter enters your fourth house it will be intensified by Mars in your house of relationships. It’s a good time to find emotional or moral support from your spouse or partner, or to address spiritual, philosophical, or ethical issues in your relationships with others. However, you should also beware of the tendency for emotional excitement or neediness to become overpowering.
November 17th Mercury turns retrograde in Sagittarius in your fourth house of home and family in a square to Neptune in the seventh house of relationships. This transit points to the need to be very clear while communicating with your family or those you are close to, as Neptune may create a level of fog or confusion. However, as Mercury is your ruling planet, it’s also an important moment to open yourself to the opinions, beliefs, or ideas of others, allowing yourself to become open to new ideas or new perceptions.
November 22nd into the 23rd, the Full Moon in Gemini in your tenth house of career opposes the Sun and Jupiter in Sagittarius in your fourth house of home and family, while also creating a t-square with Mars in Pisces in your seventh house of relationships. The spotlight is on your career, but the changes happening in your career will likely be directly related to your home, family, and partnerships. As you are considering entirely new ways of thinking, and as you are confronting deeper and more vulnerable topics in your relationships, you might be rethinking your professional direction, or you may be ready to apply new insights into the way you do your work each day.
Finally, on November 25th into the 26th, Jupiter will conjoin the Sun and be in a rare “cazimi” configuration with the Sun (meaning Jupiter will be at the heart of the Sun and greatly empowered) in your fourth house of home and family. The month ends with a moment of inspiration, clarity, and unique philosophical or spiritual alignment. Once again, it’s likely that the insights you are gaining right now are happening in relation to a moment of generational or family healing and growth. As a Virgo, you are sometimes prone to self-doubt and criticism, but right now it’s a good time to embrace a new vision, so try to keep your heart and your mind wide open!
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