Virgo Horoscope for October 2018

Virgo Horoscope for October 2018

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month continues the themes from the past several, Virgo, as your important transition continues. Riding the wave from the September mid-month New Moon in your sign, with numinous Neptune opposed in your relationship sector, you are very conscious of your developing identity. This is in terms of the practical and the physical, yet with also an undeniable spiritual component. With partners, you are becoming more aware of your tendency for putting them on a pedestal of idealization. There is the possibility of murkiness, self-deception, or actual misleading circumstances that you must deal with. There is as well the potential for a higher truth being involved, one that transcends the 3D world of sensation and concrete happenings. As this month unfolds, your focus is on your values, plus taking a studied stand for what you most deeply believe. There are many layers of your psyche that you are currently exploring, with the significant trend toward greater self-knowledge and personal evolution.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

On October 1st and 2nd, your ruler Mercury in your second house of money and resources will square Pluto in Capricorn in your fifth house of creativity and children. Although you are generally quite frugal with your resources, this transit may invite you to examine, further refine, and transform your relation to spending, budgeting, or material values in general. The topics of children and money may be pronounced, or you might find that you are trying to find the balance between a cautious or conservative way of thinking and a more provocative way of communicating your needs and desires.

On October 5th, Venus will turn retrograde in the sign of Scorpio in your third house of communication. The topics of siblings, technology, writing, and learning may also be emphasized over the course of the next forty days while Venus is retrograde. Within the sign of Scorpio, Venus will ask you to reflect on communication dynamics within relationships. What shadows or secrets do you tend to keep from others, or what do others tend to keep from you' As an earth sign, it’s not always easy to share or express your emotions, but you should trust that healing and growth are available to you right now if you can find the courage to be honest and forthright about what you’re feeling and thinking.

On October 8th, the New Moon in Libra will land in your second house of finances and resources, suggesting further emphasis on these topics in the lunation cycle ahead. Your communication will also likely be revitalized in some way, beginning with this powerful New Moon. How are you currently learning and growing in awareness, also spending your time, money, energy and resources' What are your most personal values and how are you embodying them, or not, in your day-to-day life' In the end, your happiness is about so much more than what you earn, what you do, or what you have. This New Moon is planting a seed that may lead to a significant change to the core of your inner values.

On October 10th Venus retrograde in Scorpio in your third house of communication and the mind will square Mars in Aquarius in your sixth house of work and service, and at the same time, Mercury enters Scorpio, in your third house, and will oppose rebellious Uranus in the sign of Taurus in your ninth house of education, and the higher mind. You are being offered an opportunity to transform the way you think, behave, and communicate within the context of your relationships. A breakthrough of thinking, learning, believing, and communicating is taking place, and though it may involve some tension, it’s worth your time to get to the bottom of your motivations, to explore new ideas, and to communicate authentically with those you care about, even if some debate or creative conflict arises along the way.

The very next day, on October 11th, the Sun in Libra in your second house of money, resources, and values will square Pluto in Capricorn in your fifth house of creativity, joy, pregnancy and children. Again, while issues around money and finances may be pronounced, this is really about a transformation of values and desires, creativity and the hope for creative growth in the future.

On October 19th, Mercury in Scorpio in your third house of communication and the mind will square Mars in Aquarius in your sixth house of labor, sickness, and service. Watch for themes of analysis, doubt, scrutiny, argumentation, and debate. These may be related to mental and communicative conflict or exhaustion, but also healing or intervention. It’s also a great time for focused analysis, learning, and study. Given your naturally meticulous and thoughtful nature, you may easily get to the bottom of things right now.

Lastly, the Full Moon of October 24th will conjoin Uranus in Taurus in your ninth house of spirituality and the higher mind and oppose Venus retrograde in Scorpio in your third house of communication, learning, and siblings. With Venus in Scorpio also set to oppose Uranus in Taurus on October 30th, the end of the month features an ongoing culmination of mental, intellectual, philosophical or spiritual, and communicative energies. What do you believe and how are you challenging yourself to expand your mind' As a creature of Mercury, you are naturally inquisitive and sometimes skeptical by nature, but this Full Moon may also emphasize the need for reliance upon something larger than yourself. Just remember that being a careful thinker doesn’t mean that you can’t believe in something transcendent, and yet going with such a belief doesn’t mean you should check your mind at the door, either.

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