Virgo Horoscope for September 2012

Virgo Horoscope for September 2012

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You have been transforming mightily, Virgo, and at times rather suddenly, in your sense of self and in your understanding of who, at base, you really are. Your work in the world vitally depends on this understanding, so that you might be proceeding differently there, even if toward many of the same goals. Then, too, as your outer persona is changing so also is the concept of the way that you handle the key relationships in your life. Idealism can get projected onto partners, and when you alter your approach and withdraw your unconditional approval, it can be upsetting to everyone. One solution is to make compromise your goal; and living with the paradoxical nature of the human condition, rather than something to avoid, something to embrace.

As the month begins, your focus is on yourself. This is not a terrible thing, because you are in an extreme process of internal development and it pays for you to become as aware as possible of what is going on with you. The key is in your creative self-expression which has an artistic flair lately, but of a more profound and serious kind. This creativity opens up into the depths of how you show up when you meet with others — and ultimately yourself — on multiple levels including a magical component that partakes of the difficulties as well as the joys of relating.

This more mystical form of self-expression reflects your own deep process and reveals unconscious layers within you that you might not have even known about on an explicit fashion. This all serves you to further the exploration in which you are currently engaged, a voyage of discovery that enables you to connect with others more fully in a way that spirals back to your own inner workings.

It could be that in the course of your exploration, painful places within you will emerge for acknowledgment, recognition and eventually acceptance. These represent places within you that have been long been buried away and not acknowledged as functioning parts of yourself. They stem from early trauma that carry over in an unconscious level of your psyche and affect you in the present tense in the form of reactions that seems to take over from below. You have a golden opportunity now to more closely examine these walled-off and disowned parts of yourself as a first step in accepting and ultimately healing these issues.

Partners might stimulate your reactivity and if so the rest is up to you. You are on a path of charging forward and downward deep into your inner world, and in so-doing, change utterly the way that you feel on the inside and how you come across to others around you.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

With the Last Quarter Moon of the following weekend, taking place on Saturday, September 8th, you are in a fortunate position to uncover a much greater sense of understanding concerning your actual situation. Factors that are not available to your conscious thought process will present themselves to you for a good look, through a process of inner awareness, although you might have to close your eyes to truly see them. Your worldview is expanding to accommodate more than you have previously been able to acknowledge.

The New Moon in your sign taking place on Saturday, September 15th, gives you loads of energy for your process. You are a forceful exponent of new ideas at this time, and not at all afraid to let everyone around you in on it, and this might be an important piece of your arc of development, as you continue to transform in your real world presence and your artistic self-expression, while drawing all the while on the deeper underground currents that you have been exploring.

The First Quarter Moon of the following weekend, on Saturday, September 22nd, a day that coincides with the Fall Equinox, generally represents a time of increased tension in your process, when you are facing up to the deficiencies as well as the progress, and when difficulties emerge that threaten to sink the ship. Relationships in your life provide an important backdrop to your meandering path, while remaining as mysterious as ever.

The Full Moon of the final weekend of the month, taking place on Saturday, September 29th, is a time of sudden surprises and revelations. These will perhaps concern intimate partners in your life, or your deep level of intuitive connection with your own inner workings. You are dealing with issues of self and other now, where they end and you begin; taking a stand for yourself, which is, after all, the only Self that you have got.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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