Virgo Horoscope for August 2012

Virgo Horoscope for August 2012

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a paradoxical time, Virgo. You are both active in the world and yet not truly of it, as you in-dwell into the numinous universe of your dream imagination with the most significant part of your being, transcending even partnership. You are coming into a sudden burst of intuitional knowing that rocks your understanding and that takes you to your own deep center, in what can only be termed as a form of spiritual realignment. You can resist, but you cannot really stop the flow, nor do you want to, since this ultimately implies fighting against the larger and more socially present part of yourself. You can't really take direct action in support, either. All you can do is marvel at the ways of a benevolent goddess, guiding you through.

As the month begins, you are in an optimistic and can-do frame of mind, and working toward fleshing out a new vision of social alignment that you intuitionally feel will make for a better future for yourself going forward. You are also tuning in to your own inner world, since your ruler Mercury is moving backwards through your sector of dream imagination and inner work. The Mercury Retrograde period is considered a good time for research, rather than for taking any sudden action or departures from earlier plans, and this is at least partly true right up through August 22nd, when Mercury escapes its retrograde shadow.

Powerful aspects are also present this month to Neptune, residing in your partnership sector, which has the symbolic effect of creating an idealized conception in that area of your life that can border on over-idealization or even self-deception. This might not be a case of either-or. You are working in a field of a spiritual and a paradoxical nature that defies pure logic. In representing what is beyond the boundaries of the physical, Neptune symbolizes a reality that can best be expressed in poetry music and dance, and you are in some way engaged in partnership with this energy, and with inner realms that transcend normal waking reality.

There are potentially painful realizations that you will have to come to over the course of this pivotal monthly cycle, and it might be that you get in better touch with wounded places within you. These challenges find their peaceful resolution when you give up trying, proceeding with faith in the essential beneficence of the universe to hold you up and to nourish you through this profound time. You are changing at the very core of your being, and your self-definition shows it, and there are surprising moments of evolutionary soaring flight that demonstrate it as well.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

With the Full Moon of late evening, Wednesday, August 1st, you are experiencing these themes in greater poignancy, feeling pulled to the innermost part of your psyche at the same time as you are strive for even greater efforts at career achievement, reaching for a point of balance. This is fortunate time for you in terms of outer world activity, and perhaps made even more so by the presence of spiritual goals alongside of the more mundane ones that are applauded by consensus thinking

The Last Quarter Moon taking place a week later, on Thursday, August 9th, represents a time when Mercury has turned direct, but is still slow-moving, and when the other-worldly numinousity of Neptune is even more powerfully configured. Your imagination is stimulated, either to heights of new spiritual connection or possibly to relationship with significant partners, perhaps to the point of over-idealization or relying on a beautiful illusion. You are in any case profoundly affected, and actively seeking a more graceful amalgamation in your life between inner and outer considerations.

With the New Moon of Friday, August 17th, you are stimulated again in both inner and outer directions. There is loads of fresh energy for your purpose, which is on the whole a largely spiritual purpose. Your dreams are likely to be especially powerful now, and may lead you toward greater understanding of where you are truly coming from, and how far you have to go to get where you are aiming. Practical concerns also powerfully predominate, and hold you to a realistic point of view, in spite of your tendency toward wilder flights of fancy.

The First Quarter Moon of Friday, August 24th, brings up a degree of conflict in achieving what you are trying for over the course of this new cycle. You are prone once more toward idealization, of either your own internal imagination or else of those partners that you have manifested in your life, and trying hard to work out what is real and what can be disregarded. This is a very powerful time, when you are experiencing to the fullest the twin assumptions of real-world necessity and other-dimensionality that totally transcends it. It helps to be able to sustain the paradox; only the lesser truth has its opposite in an untruth. Great truths can be sustained together even when they appear to contradict each other from a purely logical perspective, since logic is actually overrated.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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