Virgo Horoscope for June 2012

Virgo Horoscope for June 2012

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is in many ways the first month of the rest of your life, Virgo. You are reaching for a blend of wild-eyed optimism and practicality and somehow nearly succeeding. As you push forward you are inhabiting a higher mind ideal conception of what life could hold for you, and actualizing that vision. Although there are many turns and twists in the road ahead of you, persevere and you will eventually get there. The spiral of your progress leads you back to the place from which you started, but nevertheless a little further along, and a whole lot better informed. The limitations that you encounter along the way are meant to be surmounted, and as that victory becomes meaningful compromise, could turn out to be the most important part of your journey.

As the month begins, you are riding out the waves that have arisen in the wake of the very powerful Solar Eclipse from the 20th of last month, which took place in your career sector. This eclipse energy represents a fresh start for you, although in many ways not an easy one. The conflict between starry-eyed idealism on the one hand and the restrictions of real-world limitation on the other make for a month on the hot-seat of potential change and resistance to change. You are therefore still feeling out the path ahead of you, as you more fully examine the true meaning of this new mandate. A fresh perspective on life and love forms the underpinning for new self-definition and resulting changes that you have been preparing for some time now to turn into a reality. It might also be that the travel bug has bitten you, or the urge to mentally explore new horizons. It is important to note that caution is in many ways the norm for you as well right now; and that although you are hesitating that too is part of your progress. You are dealing with some significant issues out of the past, and these might in fact go deeper within you than you realize. They could involve the primary relationships in your life – that perhaps seem to be going through a period of mystery and change – and allow you to explore your dynamic there in some ways perhaps for the first time. Everything is simultaneously dark, unknown, and yet filled with light. The several days surrounding the Full Moon eclipse of Monday, June 4th, represent for you a higher tension period of time when many of these issues could come to the fore and be exposed as having deeper roots. There could be behaviors of reactivity that come up, in order that you recognize them and move beyond them, particularly in the arena of interpersonal relationships. If so, it is important that you face these issues head on and do not turn away. Acknowledging old wounds and accepting them as a natural if somewhat distorted part of yourself is at least half the battle and goes a long way toward healing them. The Last Quarter Moon of Monday, June 11th, represents a time of reflection and of re-thinking your commitments. You could be deciding to take steps toward making a better future out of new vision. Once again this is not an easy time for you as you attempt to resolve inherent tensions. You are being clued in to walled-off places inside yourself where you have been wounded in the past and where the residue of that early experience continues to haunt you in the present moment. These are important issues to become more cognizant of, although the time is not yet right for completely moving through them. Nonetheless the steps that you take now in accepting and surrendering to this information are vital to your well-being. The New Moon of Tuesday, June 19th, brings with it a fresh perspective on what you are dealing with, along with feelings of both limitation and optimism for the future. All in all, you are making a powerful stand for yourself in this last half of the month, voting with your actions for change rather than stagnation. The intense Last Quarter Moon a week later, taking place on Tuesday, June 26th, demonstrates that you are still very much in a period of flux, and that you have the skills and the strong intention to make your way though the minefield of the present moment into at least some semblance of peace and security, by focusing on the future. It might be the relative security of a moving target, but that's a far better result than allowing the stagnation of old patterns to continue.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

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