Virgo Horoscope for July 2012

Virgo Horoscope for July 2012

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This continues to be an extremely active and potent time of change for you, Virgo. You win when you embrace intuition over common sense, transformation rather than stasis. You are the spiritual warrior adventuring into unknown waters who must nevertheless voyage on. With the mid-month retrograde of your ruler Mercury various issues might shift and morph or be otherwise delayed. Your dreams could therefore take some time to fully work themselves out, but their essence is but a gesture away. In the final analysis you are the only one who knows how to make that crucial first move. A fortunate grace lingers about you now so that almost you cannot go wrong, even allowing for a potentially confusing mystery that pervades your circumstances and your relationships.

As the month begins, you are up against it, transforming from the inside out, with your creative self-expression and your very identity going through huge life changes, affecting the way you see your plans for the future, and as inspired by the power of the universe leading you onward. It is as though you have trusted yourself to the hands of cosmic advisors that are leading you through a minefield of circumstance that you must somehow survive, toward a destination intended by your Higher Self all along. For many months and even years you have been engaging with the arc of development you now find yourself heading along, proceeding via a process of cosmic epiphany, so that it doesn't really make sense anymore to fight it. Even though you might sometimes feel like searching desperately for a way around what you know you must face, there are also those times of peaceful acceptance of your unique evolutionary path. Partners in your life provide interesting keys to your journey and yet and are in danger of being over-idealized by you, even as they help to open important doors that might otherwise remain impenetrable. There is some degree of paradox, illusion and even confusion that is a part of the mystery that you face in this area. You are in the process of going undercover to find the way that your relationship dynamic has been responsible for both conferring upon you the benefits of recent interactions and yet also perhaps in some way sabotaging your ability to take your own stand, independent of other voices. Your understanding of what you are actually about flows in fits and starts lately but always with amazing energy and persistence.

With the Full Moon of Tuesday, July 3rd, you are reaching for a balance of energies, in the midst of difficult straits and yet succeeding in finding your way through, even when push comes to shove, relatively peacefully. Regarding your work in the world, you have been taking what you have gathered and made good use of this knowledge to advance your position, while at the very same time questioning your underlying motivation. There is a reliance on inner wisdom that must be an integral part of whatever you plan and do, and that steers you away from a simple acceptance of purely physical interests and concerns. The Last Quarter Moon that comes along a week later, taking place on Tuesday, July 10th, represents a meditative time of reflection and reevaluation, and therefore has further ramifications for your ongoing process of examination and study that is also an intuitive rather than a purely analytic one. With the retrograde of your ruler, Mercury, taking place on Saturday, July 14th, you are even more intensely introspective. This Mercury Retrograde period, extending to August 21st when you take the retrograde shadow into account, is a time when the currents in your brain are somehow reversed, enabling you to see more deeply into the underground dream realities that underlie and go beyond your waking mentality. You might even be able to discern the walled-off spaces within your psyche wherein resides the residue of ancient trauma, the genesis of dysfunctional patterns of behavior that have held you back fro the fullest expression of your relationship energy. With the New Moon of Wednesday, July 18th,you have fresh energy to pursue acceptance of all the parts of your psyche, both those that are hidden and those more or less on the surface, as you amalgamate these energies into conscious awareness. The pursuit of a better sense of integration of these factors, which has the effect of vastly freeing up your creative energies, will be the most important subject matter of your musings through this retrograde period, for the remaining two weeks of the current month, and on into August.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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