Virgo Horoscope for October 2012

Virgo Horoscope for October 2012

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are going through a major alteration of identity, and even of self-expression, Virgo, but it's stealth. In the grip of such far-reaching change, you cannot quite comprehend its full import. In fits and starts you are seeing into your own unrecognizable future, delving deep down inside yourself to find your way forward and through. There is mystification on the relationship front, and perhaps this is just the other side of the very same coin. Your values could be also subject to illusion, confusion, and ultimately, resolution. You are seeking to find yourself in others, and through serious communication attempts to discover and convey your own inner truth. In the end you might succeed, although the harbor that you sail into is a far different one than from where you started.

As the month begins, you are dealing with some fairly profound information that you can use for a personal change, and that is coming to you from deep and largely unconscious levels of your psyche. This is because Uranus has been triggered lately in its square with Pluto, affecting your sector of intimacy and personal transformation, and your sector of creativity and self-expression. This has been a steady phenomenon over the past few months with the intensity coming and going in spurts, leading up to the weekend preceding this current month.

The question then becomes, what is the soul purpose here, or what use exactly can you make with these kinds of intuitional leaps' Only you know the answer, which perhaps corresponds to the great changes that are working themselves out through your life. Your very identity is at issue here, along with the way that you handle significant relationships in your life as you grow. You have been transforming all spring and summer and are now ready to make another quantum leap forward. You might be ready to more fully recognize that it is evolutionary necessity that drives you onward.

There could be difficulties to deal with as you progress. With Chiron also activated in your partnership sector, it is possible that old wounds of yours that stem from an earlier period could come up for recognition and eventual acceptance. If such issues do emerge, it is so important that you pay attention to everything that is going on inside you and remain kind to yourself. At an earlier time, you perhaps had not the internal resources to deal with your feelings, but now you do, and it could be time to accept yourself in your wounded state, somewhere deep down inside yourself, so that you can begin to move on and heal from the experiences that originally hurt you.

Through the trials that you experience, relationship idealization and even fantasy is becoming more grounded into reality. With Saturn strongly configured right now, you can also become overly disillusioned, taking a more cynical attitude than is really appropriate to your situation. You must enable yourself to pierce the veils of illusion while also keeping your imagination and your vision bright, alert to the possibilities of your situation, trusting in your intuition.

As always, balance is required in order that you make the most of this period of time to heal the wounds of the past and to come to a better understanding of yourself at all levels.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

With the Last Quarter Moon of Monday, October 8th, you come to a time of reflection in the natural cycle of the lunar phases. You are moving forward a bit more slowly now, keeping a conscious eye out for necessary course corrections as you absorb different aspects of what is truly going on. Over the past few days you have come through a pessimistic period and you have the attitude of caution. Chiron is still very active for you right now, so that as you reassess, it is more than possible that old wounds will continue to surface. You are taking a closer look at everything that has been going on in your life and these issues are no exception.

With the New Moon of Monday, October 15th, energizing your resources sector, you might find renewed optimism for your purpose. You are still coming to terms with issues of reality versus illusion, and of intention plus limitation in your connections with siblings and with peers, but you have emerged out of the worst thickets of despair by now and are if not exactly comfortable with your situation you are getting used to it and dealing satisfactorily. You have loads of energy now that taking you further out into the world around you as a counter to your intense inward focus lately, but you also must recognize that it is important not to get too carried away in either direction.

The First Quarter Moon of Sunday evening, October 21st, and extending into the next day, when the Sun enters Scorpio and your communication sector, represents a powerful juncture when you are more inclined to take a stand for yourself as you face up to the challenges of your situation. Relationship is on your mind and in your heart and provides additional encouragement. You are connected with an inner knowing that it is important that you recognize, and turn to for guidance.

With the Full Moon of Monday, October 29th, you come to another important crossroads, a time when you are very aware of the evolutionary pressure on you that you continue working and transforming, especially in regard to your creative self-expression. You are still dealing with potential deceptions, or perhaps self-deception, in areas of communicative outreach and relationship, as new realizations continue to pour into your consciousness through your keen intuitional sense which really sustains you now.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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