Virgo Horoscope for November 2012

Virgo Horoscope for November 2012

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a positive time for you, Virgo, with opportunity to expand your outer world repertoire and networking and financial possibilities. Your self-expression continues to morph along the lines for which your soul has long held intention. This month's retrograde of your ruler Mercury implies that an important portion of your mind is settled into a more meditative agenda. Sounding your depths provides a rich stream of information of a very different kind, supporting your continuing quest to connect more fully with others around you. There is imaginative fantasy to be worked through, and perhaps some vestige of early trauma is gumming up the works as you relate. These issues benefit enormously from a considered approach that involves self-searching, fostering inner over outer connectivity.

As the month begins, you are in an interesting – and ultimately educational, although for the moment somewhat funky – place; riding out the tremendous energy of the recent Full Moon from the end of the previous month that highlighted your sector of higher mind. You are experimenting with new ways of seeing the world around you, discovering new perspectives that allow new possibilities for yourself to manifest. You are attempting to establish a stronger connection with your inner depths, and largely succeeding, but you can't help feeling that the rules of the game keep changing out from under you.

By a series of adventures and misadventures you are coming into closer touch with the paradoxical nature of the soul-level of the psyche, a place where reasoning goes out the window in favor of simple intuitive knowing that flies in the face of logic. This reflection of your deeper unconscious process is represented in astrological terms by the numinous archetypal energy of Neptune, and you have plenty of Neptune gracing your solar chart at the moment. With Neptune also prominent in your relationship sector, the point of view supplied by important partners is mystical in nature and in scope, and potentially idealized or even over-idealized; perhaps as well somewhat confusing as to how it might actually come to be applied in your life, and in the life of your familial connections.

Communication with others around you continues to be one key to making it through. There is a serious aspect to everything that you say and do right now, a sense of urgent truthfulness that speaks out directly from your inner depths with the intention of clarifying your own concepts as you also attempt to fluidly embrace those of others in your circle of friendship.

Since your ruler Mercury is in the process of turning to retrograde, or backward, motion, its position is quite important. It is found residing in your solar nadir, symbolic of the private world of home, family and tribal alliances, and as the month unfolds you might be spending loads of time meditating on these important and security-oriented factors of your life and reconceptualizing them. All and all, this is a vital month of further change that will stretch you for good purpose, like a form of psychic yoga.

Detailed Monthly Forecast

The Last Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 6th, is coincident with the exact moment of Mercury's station to retrograde motion, making for a particularly dicey first few days of the week. Your perception alters and you enter into a new stage of activity, perhaps one of questioning basic assumptions about everything that has gone before this point in the lunar cycle. Surprises are more than likely, as well as intuitional information from your heart center that allows you to see more deeply into your motivations and those of others.

The Solar Eclipse and New Moon of the following Tuesday, November 13th, represents an important juncture for you that allows you to even more fully engage with these ongoing explorations of inner world proclivities and perspectives. The sector of your solar chart that is involved refers to thinking and experiencing new ideas and educational perspectives. The stand that you now take importantly includes inner as well as outer priorities, with the deeper understanding that the one informs and underlies the other.

The First Quarter Moon of Tuesday, November 20th, represents another potentially edgy time of further obstacles to mental progress, and a resultant increase in awareness. You might find that tensions could arise between family and friends or partners, or perhaps that communication difficulties could spur on conflicts until you make time to pause and reflect. It helps to remember that you are never angry for the reason that you think that you are, and that the perspective of time ultimately heals all wounds.

With the climactic and powerful Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse taking place in your career sector on Wednesday, November 28th, you take a further step onward, notching up to another level in your arc of spiritual development. Issues could arise and then disappear concerning your connection to important partners in your life, and to your sense as well of own inner demons. Although Mercury is now direct there is still the two-week period of its retrograde shadow before things return entirely back to normal. As they do, in mid-December, you may well find that you are both a bit older and a bit wiser having come through the intensity of this late fall period.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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