Virgo Horoscope for December 2012

Virgo Horoscope for December 2012

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an emotionally volatile month for you, Virgo. While you are coming at the outer world from an entirely optimistic and empowered standpoint, it's a different story with hidden parts of your psyche where things are really stirring, far beneath the surface layers of your personality. As a result, this month you are coming into yourself in an entirely new way. You might also find that you are reexamining what makes relationship tick for you and where there are kinks to be worked through. Writing and discussing your experience is vital for you right now as you move forward into new directions of artistic self-expression. Lately you have been coming to the idea that in managing your priorities, personal growth is all that really matters, both now and for the future.

As the month begins, you are riding out the wave of the extremely potent lunar eclipse from the last days of the preceding month, when public and private concerns in your life might have bee on something of a collision course, and when the strain was threatening to cause seismic fracture lines all through various areas of your life, such as your very sense of your identity and self-expression on the one hand, and partnership communication and interaction on the other.

Your ruler Mercury having just turned direct, you are still in the midst of a reflective period of time, when many of your habitual activities are up for review and revision. While you are operating from an optimistic standpoint at the level of your outer affairs, you might be feeling less so in the deeply internal layers within you that are a less acknowledged but still quite significant portion of everything that you say and do.

You may still be in fact in partial crisis with regard to issues of psychological security and your internal agenda and with regard to the significant relationships in your life as well, how to find the appropriate blend of idealism and realism in your dynamic there. You might find that it best to attempt the high-wire act of doing both simultaneously, with acknowledged illusion and idolization allowed to peep through a more cautiously practical and wait-and-see approach.

What you are really all about at this time has a lot to do with discovering new ways to conceptualize your life and your inner realities at the same time as you move along old habitual pathways, but with an observer's eye to everything that is going on both within you and outside in the world of event-orientation. Even as you make your signature moves and triumph on the career front, you are continuing to go on learning as you do, and evolving in your understanding of your own depths. After all, it is your process of personal evolution that has taken you this far, already.

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With the Last Quarter Moon of Thursday, December 6th, in your sign, you are experiencing a moment of tension in your process of awareness and growth. Your dependence on family might be put to the test in some way, or another form of strained connections could cause you to re-evaluate what you feel is going on for you at the very core of your experience. In what is an essentially optimistic time period for you, you are re-evaluating the past to come up with the seeds of future action.

The New Moon takes place on Thursday, December 13th, in your sector of home, family and tribe. These are root level areas that your focus will be on for the next several weeks, on into the New Year. It might be that you will continue your process of digging down into your depths to find out more of what makes you tick and where your sense of psychological security originates. You have perhaps seen some indications of early trauma as manifesting in relationship interactions and these types of issues could be up for increased attention over this next thirty-day cycle.

With the First Quarter Moon of Wednesday, December 19th, you may find a moment of increased vulnerability and increased tension in the arc of your personal development. You are finding your way through, but you might have to swerve to account for the reality checks coming your way. This is all about knowledge; one kind got you in and another kind altogether will get you out again and safely past the entanglements that seem to threaten. Trust in your inner guidance and you will emerge in good shape, although this may be easier to conceptualize than to actually accomplish.

The Full Moon of Friday, December 28th, symbolizes a time of fulfillment, and of balance, and a feeling of optimism for the New Year, but it also ushers in a return to some of the earlier stresses on your system that have long been dealing with, concerning emerging identity and old patterns that you are more than ready to discard. Like a spiral road, you return to the same place from which you started, but with the difference now of your recent experience. If you keep faith with the cosmos it will keep faith with you, and multiplied by an enormous factor.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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