Taurus Horoscope for January 2015

Taurus Horoscope for January 2015

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You have before you a philosophically acute month and year, Taurus. This is a powerful time of learning for you; an education of a most mysterious and deeply informative kind. This course of study will not lead to a degree, and it as much about inner as outer. Your unconscious is extremely active for you now, and is working behind the scenes in your own best interest. An intuitive process brings you insights that come to your listening ear almost unbidden. Your principles normally tend toward the practical and yet you are in the process of reexamining these in the light of recent circumstances. A new idea is emerging of what is truly practical; what it is that in fact actually works for you over the long haul to move your life forward.

As the month begins, you are still riding the enormous energy of the very intense Capricorn Solstice New Moon from the 21st of December, at the beginning of the recent holiday season, that heavily influenced your sector of higher mind. There was a line-up of planets in Capricorn in this New Moon timing, which presages the activity of the thirty-day cycle that follows, up to January 20th in the current month. All the activities that come under the purview of the ninth solar house are therefore affected for you, and this includes travel and educational issues both inside and outside of pure and simple academics. Your worldview is evolving to keep pace with these rapidly changing times, and your experience of them. Your work in the external world of career and professional life has been greatly stimulated, as you take advantage of recent opportunities that have come your way; and you have also been invited by the cosmos to partake in the exploration of your more private inner self. All this has been extremely fruitful heading into your present circumstance, and you have a thoughtful month ahead of you when you might begin to pull all the threads together, weaving a new tapestry of understanding.

In the timing of the recent New Moon from last month, representing an overarching energy for this entire cycle, your ruling planet, Venus, is in elevated position conjunct Pluto in the ninth sector of your solar chart. This placement indicates that the dramatic metamorphosis you have been undergoing not only continues on this year, but also strongly brings in the element of learning through the lens of relationship and love. Transforming your beliefs, value and sense of faith in life is intrinsically linked to your willingness and ability to learn about yourself by becoming close with others, such as a partner or potential partner. This could require tremendous self-resource and adherence to inner truth and authenticity.

Often what factors appear when becoming close with another have a confrontational side, because intimacy has a way of bringing up those things that we might rather stay hidden. Trickster Uranus, residing in your twelfth solar sector of unconscious process, and continuing in his square to Pluto, speaks to unearthing that which wants to remain unseen. You have a choice, now, to allow those things to remain hidden from your conscious viewpoint, creating barriers to closeness, or bring them out into the light for healing and integration. While in the process of so doing, you could bring up the intensity of old pain and wounding, you might also be surprised by the freedom that you gain in this process.

You may wish to take advantage of the fresh energy of the month and if so, the best time for launching any important new projects will be the first half. This is because Mercury will turn retrograde in a prominent sector of your chart on the 21st. This latter part of the January is not a good time to start new things, and communications could feel more challenging, as you may feel called to turn inward and re-evaluate different aspects of your life, especially career moves. This is a good time to nourish yourself and take space, picking up the pace again after the end of February, as your intense growth continues into this significant year of 2015.

Jupiter is also amplified this month, appearing in your fourth sector of home and family, and continues his trine aspect to the new planet Eris in your first sector. You may be finding a dose of faith and expanded optimism in terms of your home, family, or relationship to your roots and origins. This area is tied to your sense of identity, as well as your sense of purpose. The process of looking into the beliefs you possess around, or received from, your family of origin holds a key to understanding what has shaped your sense of identity and what purpose you are here to serve in this lifetime.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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