Taurus Horoscope for February 2015

Taurus Horoscope for February 2015

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are entering into a very special and paradoxical month, Taurus, one that will carry you farther down the road of your mystical destiny. You are an over-achiever in outer world events, stemming from before the month began, although with Mercury retrograding through your career sector for most of this current cycle there is an introspective component to your attitude now as well. You have a cosmic invitation to take a more profound look beneath the surface layers of your personality. These last six weeks have seen a greatly increased focus for inner matters including home and family concerns, so that you are honoring all the parts of your psyche with renewed enthusiasm as you proceed toward getting a better grasp on the flow of your unconscious process. What might emerge is a larger sense of Self that you are increasingly better able to integrate.

In the beginning of your month, you are still feeling the vibrations from the powerful New Moon that took place one and a half weeks before the start of February in your sector of career and professional life. This signaled a time when you were fully energized and focalized toward outer world achievement, and in some ways this remains the case as you head into the early part of the current month. You are so cocky that it could seem slightly scary, and are taking it to the limit in terms of attitude, of commitment to success, and also of learning as much as can be learned from a form of deep inner exploration. It has been a very strange journey for you, these last ten days, when Mercury began moving backward through this same sector for you of outer orientation, and as your ruler, Venus, entered Pisces and came to exactly conjoin numinous Neptune in his own sign, just as the month began. This is a mystically ambitious place that you find yourself in currently. You are far more internal than when you started, although the seeds for this movement toward the inside were there incipiently all along. You are reaching deep within in order that you eventually reach out more confidently from an expanded sense of wholeness that derives from a better balance of inner and outer.

While Mercury continues its retrograde journey the first part of the month, it travels through the area of your solar chart where the inner workings of your person are brought forth into the concrete world ' often interpreted as work and career, but also concerned with any area of life where you are contributing your inner gifts to the exterior world. You may be doing some considerable reflecting and recaLibrating on the aim and intention of the ways in which you offer your gifts and talents. While you find ample energy to be devoted to this area of your life right now, a good portion of that is inclined towards pondering your inner realm, and how your thoughts, mentalities, and beliefs shape your outward approach.

With your ruling planet, Venus, also inhabiting your tenth solar sector at the time of the beginning of the current lunar cycle, you may find yourself with a strong yearning for beauty, abundance, and connection in all of your relating. Your home life — whether it's the environment, the people there, or of your family, or any other sense of home — may be a tremendous source of nourishment for you, which is true of Taurus in general, but is especially so as Jupiter is opposite Venus at the timing of the New Moon, and located in your fourth solar sector of home and family. Your familial relationships, be it blood tribe or chosen tribe, could be notched up to an extra level of support for your worldly endeavors. While there are bound to be some "hitches in your get-a-long," you may benefit greatly from focusing on that which you have and appreciate versus what you may feel is lacking.

Compassion and spiritual matters are key components for this lunar cycle, as Mars was conjunct Neptune at the New Moon timing, and conjoined with Chiron, representing the archetype of the Wounded Healer, at the first of the month. Your heart may be swelling extra wide for your fellow (wo)man, now, and for the whole state of humanity and world at large. You may also wish to remind yourself to turn those sweet feelings of compassion and love inward, as you could also be bumping up against some pain from the past in regards to your sense of belonging. Your heart is your greatest ally in this sense, as there's no making sense of all the pain in our world, yet there is always plenty of room in you for even more love and compassion.

The deep learning and transformation that permeates your experience now is a symbolic reflection of Uranus, highlighted now and located in your twelfth sector of unconscious content, in his storied square with Pluto. This brings a sense of renewed urgency to the series of life transformations that you are currently enrolled in. You might be getting unexpected epiphanies regarding your 'blind-spots' — the things that happen within areas of your psyche that are normally hidden from the view of your conscious mind. These processes speak to where you've come from, and contribute greatly to who you have become. You might want to be prepared to be surprised by what you find out about yourself as the mysteries of your life continue to unfold.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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