Posted on February 1, 2025 in Scorpio
By Henry Seltzer and Alea Balzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is another month of consequence for you, Scorpio. This is particularly the case in the area of home, family, and your psychological roots, corresponding to the sector that is for you represented by Aquarius, where the recent New Moon took place just before the February month began. This initiated a new astrological cycle for the current month, indicating something of fresh start in this area of your life. It is a time of transformation in this area as well, perhaps in terms of your familial dynamics, your dwelling space, or your family of origin. There is also the possibility of inner wounding arising, the residue of ancient undigested early childhood trauma, which may open the path for greater conscious acceptance and integration of these issues. The First Quarter Moon of February 5th could bring up factors of unresolved conflict between your family scene and close partners, or possibly referencing matters of commitment to a particular set of beliefs, while the Leo Full Moon a week later, on the 12th, speaks to the integration of public and private concerns in your life, with monkey wrenches potentially thrown in. You could be examining your dedication to a sense of life mission that has been coming on as a more significant life factor. All in all, this month may constitute a thoughtful time of getting ducks aligned; including important internal understandings.
The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at
The month begins in the days following the recent Aquarius New Moon, which seeded the current lunation cycle lasting throughout February in your sphere of home and family. Forming a trine to Jupiter in Gemini, and a grand trine when you include new 21st century planet Makemake, at 11° of Libra, strategic dynamics within your intimate and financial bonds could animate domestic or property considerations this month in combination with a sense of what is going on for you beneath the surface layers of your psyche, especially regarding you most sincere bottom-line values. Psychopomp Mercury conjoins Pluto at the very bottom of your chart, baring a message from the subterranean world that may intensify or clarify your focus, perhaps encouraging deeper exploration of your heritage and psychological roots. With Pluto now residing in early Aquarius, foundational themes emerging at this time give voice to a new era of life involving greater awareness of all that you hold dear in familial realms, which could be altering.
A triple conjunction between Venus, Neptune, and the Lunar North Node in Pisces, coinciding with the New Moon, highlights an intuitive and emotional process in your sector of children, self-expression, and joy, where the planetary energy builds throughout the cycle. Perfecting on February 1st, the first weekend of the month invites you to curb overthinking by prioritizing romance, creativity, and enjoyment. The recent nodal shift into the Virgo-Pisces axis emphasizes the gestational potency within this area of your chart, which is the grounds of a pivotal turning point activated by eclipses this year.
Venus’ ingress into Aries on February 3rd may shift you into a focus on work mode as she enters your sector of health, daily responsibilities, and routines. This is also a time of internal commitment to what comes at you from below, and a time of slowing down to prioritize full understanding as you hone your creative impulses.
A prolonged square between Chiron in Aries and retrograde Mars in Cancer could complicate work and wellbeing, potentially stirring up wounds connected to proficiency, productivity, outgrown habit patterns, or heath regimens. While dynamics within your sphere of higher learning, worldview, and travel could activate these fears of inadequacy, Mars’ inward process supports you in confronting undermining beliefs and habits, so that you can distribute your energy more consciously.
On February 4th, Jupiter stations direct in Gemini. Joint efforts, contracts, and significant relationships could come to the forefront in the surrounding week. Jupiter is your money planet, and this shift may herald a positive turn of events regarding finances, business, or inheritance.
On the 8th and 9th, Mercury conjoins the Sun in Aquarius. Frank conversations or inner understanding could clarify a family, real estate, or domestic issue by bringing new information to light or stimulating innovative approaches.
The Leo Full Moon lands on the 12th in your vocational sector, where energy therefore converges, while a T-square from Sun and Moon to Uranus in Taurus focalizes the evolutionary tension to simultaneous changes in your home and relationship spheres. There could be surprises, or unexpected revelations from partners or in that sphere. Be it upheaval or fun excitement, this Full Moon may illuminate the emotional effects of maintaining professional responsibilities in the face of transformational pressure in your personal life, perhaps heightening sensitivity of your public image. This is the area of your life where you are called upon to embrace leadership and authenticity, and this phase may reveal places to engage your talents and passions or the influence of family and partnership dynamics on your career or drive for external success.
Mercury enters Pisces on February 14th, followed by the Sun on the 18th, as we enter Pisces season. As far as Pisces, for you concerned with your joy and self-expression, a buildup of planets there puts a cosmic exclamation point on your realms of creativity and pleasure.
On the 23rd, Mars, your co-ruling planet, stations direct in Cancer. Barely moving in the sky for most of the month, Mars in slow motion implies that efforts or challenges surrounding education, travel, or your beliefs may peak in this final week of February. Mars’ trine to Mercury as it stations encourages you to channel your powerful emotions and intellect through avenues of creative self-expression. Your global consciousness and ethics are emphasized, or your outrage, and this may clarify where to direct your energy. While the warrior planet won’t recover all its lost zodiacal ground immediately, its forward motion implies that its gaze is now directed to what’s ahead, suggesting emerging relief or hard-earned progress.
On February 24th and 25th, Mercury conjoins Saturn in Pisces. While fears or obstacles could be accentuated surrounding self-expression, your happiness, or any children, in your life, this is equally a time to ground what’s inspiring you with practical plans. You may choose to address ambiguities in a romantic relationship or explore greater commitment. Neptune Is closely conjunct the Lunar North Node so that his boundary blurring action is amplified, contrasting with and highlighting the importance of embracing Saturn’s reality principle.
The Pisces New Moon of February 27th opens a new cycle in this important area of your creative self-expression. Matters of art, love, and children are the fertile grounds from which the story of March will evolve. With Sun and Moon forming a square to Jupiter, growth within your collaborations, investments, and intimate ties may be a source of positive pressure. Jupiter and Pisces speak of faith, and in the face of factors you cannot control, next month’s lunation cycle may challenge you to place more trust in where you’re going and what you may ultimately be up to in service of greater happiness, consistency, and fulfillment.
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