Posted on January 2, 2025 in Scorpio
By Henry Seltzer and Kimberly Peta Dewhirst for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is another rather amazing month for you, Scorpio, especially in the Capricorn New Moon that begins it. This signals transformation and the questioning of your very sense of identity, with movement throughout the month. Your career motivation is also strongly subject to review and reinvigoration with the tides of change present in the astrology of this new year, leading you to your next evolutionary stage. It is a truism, as Dylan had it in the 1960s, that “Everybody not busy being born is busy dying,” and you are dying to your former self so that your new incarnation can rise from the ashes. It might also be said that important partners in your life will say and do unexpected things that contribute to your new emerging perspective. The unfolding January lunations, of the 6th and as well the Cancer Full Moon of the 13th provide a contrast that can inform you of a powerfully idealized idea of your changing worldview, as well as finding a greater sense of purpose in the alteration of habitual patterns and of your characteristic relationship interactions. January 21st represents another important juncture for you this month when the Moon’s last quarter will further ingrain an internal activism for seizing and acting upon the principles and the values arising from deep within you that are yours and yours alone.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
You might find you’re welcoming the New Year surrounded by close ties and loved ones, more aware than ever of what’s important to you. The Capricorn New Moon that begins your month astrologically takes place in your sector of communications, curiosity, and learning, and has the potential to illuminate kindred spirits and local connections, and lasts four weeks of the January month that follow touching as well on the theme of rapport in your environment. It may be a good time to appreciate how far you’ve come working with siblings and people in your immediate surroundings. This January month is a changeful time, with Mars, your traditional ruler, in retrograde motion in early Leo, directly opposing the transformational intensity of Pluto in early Aquarius, corresponding to your root sector of psychological foundations, as well as home and family concerns. This entire month therefore features your vocational sector, represented by Leo, along with your private interior spaces, where the Aquarius sign enters into the picture, so the tension or else the alignment of public versus private, work versus home and family.
On the 2nd, Venus moved into your fifth sector of creative projects, sexuality, fertility, children, talents, hobbies, and personal gratification. Venus newly in Pisces is then joined on the 3rd and 4th by the Moon. Saturn and Neptune were already in Pisces which makes for quite a party! Your desires, personal inspiration and channels of expression may be foremost, with emphasis on the people, projects, interests, and pleasures you’re dedicated to. The stars encourage you to lean into relationships that bring you happiness, which could see you dating, playing, or opening further to the arts, music or to any kids you might have in your life.
On the 6th, the Moon’s First Quarter lands in mid-Aries, or your sector of day-to-day habit patterns and health regimens, emphasizing communication and your own inner values versus those of the consensus. The same day sees Mars in retrograde re-enter the last degree of Cancer, or your ninth sector of higher mind wisdom, vision, foreign adventure, and mental growth. Mars represents motivations, assertion, and governs your health, duties, and everyday routines. You might be inclined to revisit a process of personal development and exploration, with your employment, lifestyle or wellness practice spurring you on. Mercury in your zone of income and self-worth is also square Neptune in this lunation, which could symbolize confusion around what you value and are prepared to invest in, and conversely what you might crave in an idealistic fashion. Romanticism could be strong with you at this time, and a financial or other resource component could additionally be on your mind. It might be useful to track expenses or be mindful of a propensity to get carried away with good times, or become confused about goals.
On January 13th, the Full Moon culminates in watery Cancer, which might be a poignant time to illuminate educational paths, your beliefs, or a quest to understand the bigger picture – and the world around you. Sense where you’ve developed your outlook on life, gaining perspective, knowledge and perhaps a specialism. As the Full Moon is closely aligned with Mars, your own wellbeing may be tied to the ways you’re gaining experience or expertise. Harmony with Neptune and Uranus during this lunation suggests heart-felt contentment – any children you may have, affections and a changed perception of partnership is likely sympatico with what’s revealed. However, Venus squares Jupiter, your planet of values, money and personal security in this Full Moon configuration. Now in your zone of commitments, shared resources, trust and unity, there may be something you’re keen to celebrate or enjoy that requires another person’s buy-in. Here, you might be wise to accommodate a growing bond with key people, as well as indulging in moments of sheer pleasure.
On the 15th, the Capricorn Sun opposes Mars and trines Neptune. On the one hand you could be involved with those who are like-minded, getting on with those around you. On the other, foreign beliefs, philosophies and experiences could demand attention. Try to be present in familiar surroundings, among neighbors, yet know when to direct your gaze toward global affairs, reactivating a drive to understand cultures or another way of seeing a situation. Either way, your imagination could be roused, with inspiration and fun resounding.
A key moment also, for members of your sign, is signaled by the shift when the Sun enters Aquarius on the 19th, conjuncting your modern ruler Pluto. This is followed by Mercury on the 27th, with both of these events highlighting transformational Pluto in your home and family sector.
On the 21st, you will encounter the Last Quarter Moon in your sign. This could provide an emotional moment of personal awareness during a window that’s directing your focus inward. It may be wise to balance your own needs, adventures and desires, against a pull towards where you live, domestic settings or your inner psychology. Your own personal internal values rising to your greater conscious awareness, might additionally be a signal to place greater trust in your own process.
The Aquarius New Moon on the 29th, where Mercury will be conjunct Pluto. This lunation could prompt you to consider your experiences of home, parenting or being parented, and how you identify with nurturing, self-care or your ancestry – themes which are carried into the following four weeks and February.
A fresh start could be apparent, with transformation ahead for personal security, safety, stability, and how you approach family, your property or your sense of place. During this lunation the Sun aligns with Jupiter in Gemini or your sector of promises, pacts and intimacy. You benefit from staying aware of what you’re feeling as you think about legacies, investments, your private life, and what you’ve learned thus far about mutually beneficial arrangements. You can expect more to unfold into February, with potential for even greater discoveries in partnerships and on the home front.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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