Posted on February 27, 2018 in Pisces
By Henry Seltzer and Adam Elenbaas for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is a huge month for you, Pisces, when you are refining your very concept of identity. This concerns the way that you regard yourself and present to others, and as well the way that others see you; at least as far as you can discern it. The March 1st Full Moon in your opposite sign signals a balance point being worked out over the course of this entire month between self and other. In the midst of an optimistic time of great potential, many area of your life are becoming better integrated. This is your theme and also the key to a transitional month. You are very involved in partnership right now, but coming at this from a different angle, whereby you take into account all the facets of your relationship dynamic, both consciously intended and also that which arises out of the hidden depths of your unconscious process, below and beyond the surface layers of your personality.
The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School
The month of March begins with a Full Moon in your seventh house of love and relationships. The Virgo Full Moon invites you to be in service to those you love or to allow others to serve you. The latter may be more difficult than it sounds, as you are typically the one volunteering your full emotional attention to others. Also, be open to the giving and receiving of constructive criticism this month, but remember, healthy criticism stays connected to the heart.
On March 4th the Sun and Neptune conjoin in Pisces, therefore in your first house, while Mercury and Venus also conjoin in Pisces. With a stellium of planets rolling through your personal/home house, it’s a very important time to tend to your inner life, your health, and your own emotional needs. Remember to keep both feet on the ground as you go along. You are prone to being extremely sensitive and sometimes too open to suggestion. At the same time, your inner guidance is likely loud and clear right now if you take time out for yourself.
Late March 5th into early March 6th Mercury will cross into Aries and on March 6th Venus will also enter Aries, both moving into your second house of finances, values, and resources. Be mindful of impulsive spending or hasty purchases. It’s a great time for a change of financial philosophy. You might be looking at the intersection between finances and relationships, as well.
Between late in the evening of March 10th through March 13th Mercury and Venus in Aries in your second house will be moving through square aspects to Saturn in Capricorn in your eleventh house. It’s a good time to evaluate your friendships and your participation in groups. Who and what do you give your time, energy, and even money to, and are they worthy of it? You are ready to commit yourself to people who share the same commitments, but it’s very important to make sure you’re really on the same page before committing to deeply to anything.
On March 17th The New Moon in your sign gives you a fresh burst of energy just when you may need it most. You are discovering all through this month additional facets of who you are, and of how to promote the very best version of yourself that you can muster. In this process you are learning that you must take inner priorities, as revealed by intuition, quite as seriously as your conscious choices, and this New Moon helps you to do just that. Also, this same day, Mars enters Capricorn and moves into your eleventh house. There are great benefits for the practice and hard work you put into the larger community. You may also find that groups, friends, or allies are ready to effort on your behalf right now, or perhaps in collaboration toward a greater cause. Be careful of opportunism, as Mars in Capricorn can sometimes be as selfish as it is hard-working.
March 20th marks the Spring Equinox, at which time the Sun goes into Aries, moving into your second house, signaling the dawning of the light half of the year. The Sun is exalted in Aries, and hence this springtime is catalyzing you to make some rather major changes in the way you do things and in what you ultimately value. The Sun in the second house reflects a change of values and priorities. You are ready to use your energy and resources in a new and powerful way. Just be sure to take the long view, as the sign of Aries can also indicate impulsive or hasty decisions.
Next, on March 23rd Venus in Aries in your second house squares Pluto in Capricorn in your twelfth house, while Mercury also turns retrograde in Aries in your second house. Miscommunications, changes of plans, or challenges surrounding money and finances may come up during this retrograde period, which extends well into April. You might be considering a change of plan or a course correction with regard to your friendships or within the groups you belong to, as well. Just remember, for you to operate at your best, you will always need for the subtler, emotional dynamics to be appreciated in groups or relationships. At the same time, this may leave you vulnerable to being too sensitive or touchy, especially when things are moving quickly and there isn’t as much time for a more thoughtful approach.
On March 28th Venus briefly conjoins Uranus in Aries in your second house. Here we see the planet of love and relationships conjoin with the planet of the rebel and the innovator in the house of resources, values, and finances. You may be called to think outside of the box or to come up with innovative solutions to complex creative financial challenges or relationship demands. Don’t be surprised if your inner rebel or child needs to act out and upset the applecart!
Finally, on March 31st it’s a Full Moon in Libra in your eighth house of depth, fears, and transformation. The eighth house is also related to “other people’s money,” in general. Because you are naturally inclined to empathy and compassion, broaching difficult subjects with others may come very easily to you. The Full Moon in the eighth house is a catalyzing and transformational porthole, providing you with an opportunity to face, process, and even heal some deeply seated challenges you are facing right now, possibly within your most intimate relationships, in particular.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
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