Posted on January 31, 2018 in Pisces
By Henry Seltzer and Adam Elenbaas for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is an important month for you, Pisces, especially if you are willing to pay the closest possible attention to its subtle messages. Your outer world statement, as revealed in career and profession, is vital to you, together with a strong feeling of somehow being in service. You are also focused on mental activity with friends and groups that you favor. In contrast, over the course of this active month, undercover currents representing the unconscious layers of your personality are also mightily invoked. Your challenge, then, is to integrate these disparate parts of yourself so that you are coming at the world from the standpoint of a more integrated whole. Powerful societal factors urging a greater degree of normative conformity also have their due influence upon you. Yet, as your deepest values approach closer to the surface, you are being guided to act on them, and on them alone, rather than anything that comes to you from outside forces.
The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School
The month begins just one day after the lunar eclipse in Leo in your sixth house. The sixth house is related to suffering or sickness as well as to service and healing. Since last August’s total solar eclipse in your sixth house these themes have been a major focus for you and will continue to be over the course of this month. If you’re doing your own personal healing or recovery work, keep the faith, and if you’re involved with service to others remember to take good care of yourself. You won’t have nearly as much to give others if you’re not simultaneously addressing your own needs.
Meanwhile, on February 3rd Mercury in Aquarius in your twelfth house will make a sextile to Mars in Sagittarius in your tenth house. Be mindful of gossip, secrets, or slander in the workplace. Remember that there are words that hurt and words that heal. Don’t let people walk over you, don’t back down from injustice or unfairness, and remember that you are strong enough to be kind and kind enough to be strong.
On the same day, Venus in Aquarius in your twelfth house will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your ninth house of higher mind. You might want to ask yourself, What are your guiding beliefs and how do they play a role in your relationships' Where do you find enduring and eternal beauty' What does it mean to be alone, and what does real, lasting companionship look like' These and other deeper questions may appear to you at this time. Your intuition is strong right now, and will be your guide.
February 7th the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio will conjoin with Jupiter in your ninth house. There are deep lessons, insights, and wisdom to be gained. It may be time to be harvesting the fruits of your spiritual practices or studies, and to release or let go of beliefs or ideals that are no longer serving you.
February 10th the planet Venus moves into Pisces, where it was traditionally said to be “exalted,” thereby also moving into your first house. This transit surrounds you in an aura of beauty and romance. You may find that people gravitate toward you right now, or that there is an atmosphere of ease and harmony, or good luck, surrounding you and your social interactions. Remember that you are beautiful both inside and out. Your sweet heart and romantic mood are likely contagious to others right now, but beware the temptation of hubris. Exalted planets were sometimes said to invite a big head!
On February 15th it’s a New Moon and solar eclipse in the sign of Aquarius in your twelfth house. This solar eclipse may involve events or themes of deep introspection, confusion, or loneliness. Surrender to the moment, even if it’s difficult, and try to find time for deeper quiet and healing. You may also find that you are deeply drawn to serve others who are suffering at this time. Be careful about what influences you allow into your mind and body right now, as the twelfth house can indicate a potential for self-destructiveness.
On February 17th Mars in Sagittarius in your tenth house will square Neptune in Pisces in your first house. Watch for new opportunities, causes, visions, or mission statements to arise. You may be compelled to make a professional sacrifice. Be careful. There is a difference between conscious giving and being taken advantage of.
On February 18th the Sun will enter the sign of Pisces, moving into your first house, and on February 21st Venus will conjoin Neptune in Pisces in your first house. It’s important to be very clear with yourself about who you are and what brings you happiness. As a Pisces you are a deeply impressionable sign. It can be easy for you to take on the agendas, sufferings, and even joys of other people. You will often do it naturally, without thinking about it. However, with a big solar eclipse in your twelfth house this month – the house associated with self-undoing – it’s very important to grounded and discerning about who you are and what will bring you authentic happiness.
Finally, the last few days of the month, Mercury and Venus in Pisces in your first house will square Mars in Sagittarius in your tenth house. You may find yourself at a personal and professional crossroad this month. It might be very tempting to make a rash or impulsive decision about your future. If you’re feeling inspired or called to something, know that it may require some level of sacrifice, perhaps something you cannot foresee. On the other hand, if you’re holding yourself back from something out of fear, then call up your courage and go for it. The challenge is to be discerning and grounded enough to know the difference.
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